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Поточний час: 15 січ 2025, 08:49

Часовий пояс: UTC + 2 години

   [ 1 повідомлення ] 
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 Заголовок повідомлення: Заняття № 40
ПовідомленняДодано: 04 січ 2015, 00:00 

Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23
Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 40

Тема: Шкільне життя. «Я – учень». Узгодження часів.

Методичні вказівки:

1. Вивчіть нову лексику.

2. Прослухайте пісню "I am a pupil"

3. Прочитайте прислів'я, повязані із навчанням.

4. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "I am a pupil"

5. Дайте відповіді на питання.

6. Прочитайте та перекладіть лексику.

7. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "I am a student"

8. Знайдіть українські еквіваленти до англійських слів.

9. Перекладіть речення українською.

10. Доповніть речення.

11. Визначіть які із тверджень правильні а які ні.

12. Дайте відповіді на питання.

13. Складіть усну тему про своє навчання.

14. Виконайте вправy на узгодження часів.

1. Вивчіть нову лексику.


to leave (past left, p.p. left) school — закінчувати школу

to go (past went, p.p. gone) through — проходити через

school yard — школьний двір

poplar [ ˈpɒp.lər ] — тополя

primary school [ ˈpraɪməri skuːl ] — початкова школа

canteen [ kænˈtiːn ] — їдальня

gym [ dʒɪm ] — спортзал

assembly hall [ əˈsem.bli hɔːl]— актова зала

teacher’s room — вчительска

subject [ ˈsʌbdʒɪkt ]— предмет

Maths [ mæθs ] — математика


to be fond of — захоплюватися

to translate [ trænsˈleɪt ] — перекладати

to make (past made, p.p. made) up dialogues — складати діалоги

to reveal [ rɪˈviːl ] — з'ясовувати

gap — пробіл

perception [ pəˈsep.ʃən ]— розуміння

to be poor in — бути слабким в


properly [ ˈprɒpəli ] - належно

to get (past got. p.p. got) along with — ладити з

classmate — однокласник

2. Прослухайте пісню "I am a pupil"



3. Прочитайте прислів'я, повязані із навчанням.


:arrow: Вченого вчити — лише зіпсувати.

То teach the dog to bark. Зображення

:arrow: Вченого вчити — лише зіпсувати.

Never offer to teach fish to swim. Зображення

:arrow: Вчитись мудрості на чужих помилках.

Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

:arrow: Вчитися на власному досвіді.

Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.

:arrow: Вчитися ніколи не пізно.

It is never too late to learn.

4. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "I am a pupil"


I am a pupil of the eleventh form. This year I am going to leave school. My school is a four-storeyed building.


When you are going through the school yard you can see poplar trees and beautiful flowers. To the left from the school building, there is a big sports ground, which is divided into our football field, two basketball fields and sports ground itself. When the wea­ther is fine, we have our classes in physical training here.

When you come into school, you find yourself in a large hall. On the ground floor there are some classrooms of primary school, our canteen. On the first floor there are two gyms, school library, classrooms, the assembly hall, the teacher’s room. On the walls of the corridors you can see the portraits of famous writers, poets, scientists and our school newspaper. It is written by pu­pils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read.

I learn different subjects at school: Russian, English, Ukraini­an, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History and oth­ers. My favourite subjects are English and Astronomy. I am fond of these subjects. I also like Literature. I am good at these subjects and usually get good marks.


I work hard at the En­glish lessons: read and translate texts, make up dialogues; do many exercises, but best of all I like different tests to reveal my possibilities and gaps in knowledge. I am fond of English grammar, because on the example of English Grammar you see another perception of the World other people do.

But I am poor in Chemistry. I always failed to learn chemical formulas and terms properly.


I like my class; everybody is so friendly, easy to get along with. I like my classmates. We are all good friends.




5. Дайте відповіді на питання.

:?: 1. Am I a pupil of the seventh form?

:?: 2. Am I going to the next form or to leave school next year?

:?: 3. How many storeys does our school have?

:?: 4. Has our school got a sports ground?

:?: 5. Are there basketball fields at the sportsground?

:?: 6. What is situated on the ground floor?

:?: 7. What is situated on the first floor?

:?: 8. What subjects do I learn in school?

:?: 9. What subjects are my favourite?

:?: 10. Do I like my classmates?

6. Прочитайте та перекладіть лексику.

Economist, cashier, financier, society, important, book-keeper, special, saving, busy, realize, corner-stone, science, economics, specialty.

7. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "I am a student"


I am Kovalenko Katya. So, I am a student now. I’m a first-year student of the day-time department. I’ve entered State Tax Service Academy of Ukraine after finishing a secondary school. You know, that was my dream to enter this Institute. No wonder, as all members of our family are economists.

My father taught me to understand and love mathematics. I realize now mathematics is a corner-stone of all sciences. My father works as a financier at the Planning Economic Department of the plant.

My mother is a book-keeper at a book-keeping department of the factory. She likes her specialty very much. I love a sister. She is twenty. And she is also an economist. She works as a cashier at the post-office savings-bank. She combines her work with studies at the Institute. She is a second-year student of non-resident instruction at this Institute.

As you see, I took my parents way. I worked hard to pass my entrance examinations well. And now I’ve become a happy member of the great, young family of students.

Many new things and notions came into my life with it. At first, I didn’t know what they meant. Now I became familiar with such words as “a freshman”, “a sophomore”, “an undergraduate” and such terms as “a period”, “a seminar”, “labworks”. I know what it means “to make notes”, “to pass thousands”, etc.

I’m still to know more, and first of all how to save time to be able to not only study well, but to take an active part in the students’ life, to join some students’ scientific society and to sing in our Academy choir, to become a member of our Academy famous football team and to visit interesting students’ evening-parties.

I’m fond of everything at my Academy. I like its great beautiful building, sport complex, it’s lecture halls, laboratories, studies.

I’m a freshman, as they call the first-year students. It’ll take time to take time to know everything about our Academy.

:arrow: Comments


1. a student of the day-time department – студент денного відділення ; syn. a student of resident instruction; a full-time student

2. no wonder – не дивно

3. all the members – всі члени; syn. whole – увесь; remember: the whole world but all the students; the whole family but all the books

4. the Planning Economic Department – планово-економічний відділ

5. a book-keeper – бухгалтер; syn. – an accountant; a book-keeping department – бухгалтерія

6. a cashier – касир; syn. a teller; cash – гроші (готівка) syn. money

7. the post-office savings-bank – ощадбанк на поштампі

8. non-resident instruction – заочне навчання; syn. extra-mural education, education by correspondence

9. to take somebody’s way – піти чиїмось шляхом

10. at first – спочатку; first of all – перш за все

11. ...became familiar with... – дізналась

12. a freshman – a first-year student; a sophomore [ ˈsɒf.ə.mɔːr ] – a second-year student; undergraduate – student of senior courses

13. I’m still to know more –я маю дізнатись ще більше

14. to join some students’ scientific society – стати членом сту­дентського наукового гуртка
to join the army – піти до армії
to join a team – увійти до складу команди (спортивної)

15. students’ evening-parties – студентські вечори

16. a lot more – багато іншого; a lot of – багато
a lot of books, a lot of time
syn. many, much, a great deal of, plenty of

17. to be fond of – любити, подобатись; syn. to like

18. like – подібно як; to be like – бути схожим
He is like his father – Він схожий з батьком.
He likes skating – Він любить кататися на ковзанах
He is a student like me – Він, як і я, студент

19. it’ll take time – знадобиться час

8. Знайдіть українські еквіваленти до англійських слів.




1. the planning economic department

2. the post-office savings-bank

3. a sophomore

4. a book-keeping department

5. to take one’s parents’ way

6. a freshman

7. to pass ”thousands”

8. the day-time department

9. a lot more

10. an undergraduate

11. to enter the Institute’ll take time to know

13.students’ scientific society


1. студент першого курсу

2. денне відділення

3. вступати до інституту

4. планово-економічний відділ

5. бухгалтерія

6. ощадбанк на поштамті

7. студент другого курсу

8. піти шляхом батьків

9. студент старшого курсу

10. здавати ”тисячі”

11. студентський науковий гурток

12. ще більше

13. знадобиться час, щоб дізнатися

9. Перекладіть речення українською.

Translate the following sentences


1. He took his brother’s way and became an economist.

2. How much does it take you to get to the Institute? It takes me ten minutes.

3. How much will it take you to get to Lviv by train? It will take me 14 hours.

4. It will take him two hours to translate this article.

5. He takes after his father.

6. When going to the Institute he takes a bus.

7. She took the shortest way to get to the library.

8. It’ll take time to forget this event.


1. He is like his father.

2. He likes Political Economy very much.

3. My friend does this work like me.

4. It looks like snow.

5. This book costs something like 1 dollar.

6. They mustn’t talk like that.

7. He was running like a sportsman.

8. My sister likes dancing.

9. I should like to take my father’s way.

10. He should like to be the first student in his group.


1. I’ll join you in your work.

2. My friend joined the National Guard.

3. The best students of our group joined Scientific Societies.

4. My junior brother will soon join the school volley-ball team.

10. Доповніть речення.

Complete the following sentences

1. Kate has become a student of ... .

2. All the members of her family are ... .

3. Her father works as ... .

4. Her sister works ... .

5. Kate ... worked hard to pass ... .

6. She became familiar with ... .

7. Kate is still to know how ... .

8. She will take an active part in ... .

11. Визначіть які із тверджень правильні а які ні.

Say if it is right

1. Kate’s dream was to enter the Medical institute.

2. Kate’s mother is a doctor. She works at a hospital.

3. Kate’s sister works at a plant. She is a freshman.

4. Kate didn’t take her parents’ way.

5. Kate doesn’t know what it means ”to make notes”, ”to pass thousands”.

12. Дайте відповіді на питання.

:?: 1. What higher school has Kate entered?

:?: 2. Is she a sophomore or a freshman?

:?: 3. Whose way did she take?

:?: 4. What are all the members of her family?

:?: 5. Who taught her to understand and love mathematics?

:?: 6. Where does Kate’s father work?

:?: 7. What is Kate’s mother?

:?: 8. What does Kate’s sister work as?

:?: 9. Is Kate’s sister a full-time student?

:?: 10. Why did Kate pass her entrance exams well?

:?: 11. What did Kate become familiar with?

:?: 12. What is Kate still to know more?

:?: 13. What does it mean to take an active part in the student’s life at the Institute?

:?: 14. What does Kate like at the Academy?

13. Складіть усну тему про своє навчання.

14. Виконайте письмовy вправy на вживання прямої і непрямої мови.

:arrow: Прочитайте граматичний матеріал


Зображення Sarah -Hello! Sarah speaking.

Зображення -Hello Sarah! It's me, Bob. I'm going to see my mother tomorrow.

What did he say?

:arrow: DIRECT Bob said, 'I'm going to see my mother tomorrow.'

:arrow: INDIRECT Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother the next day.

Bob announced that ... :arrow: Bob declared that... :arrow: Bob added that... :arrow: Bob told me that...

Bob said that... :arrow: Bob said to me that... :arrow: Bob told me that...


Bob said, 'I'm going to see my mother.' => Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother.
'You have bought yourself a lovely dress.' => He told her (that) she had bought herself a lovely dress.


'I'm going to see my mother tomorrow.' => Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother the next day.
Mark: 'I went to London last week.' => He added (that) he had gone to London the week before.
Sue: 'I must leave now!' => She told me (that) she had to leave then.
Peter: 'I don't like this house.' => Peter said (that) he didn't like that house.
Peter: 'I can't live here.' => Peter told us (that) he couldn't live there.

:arrow: now => then
:arrow: tonight => that night
:arrow: yesterday => the day before / the previous day
:arrow: tomorrow => the next day / the following day
:arrow: last (year, month...) => the last / previous (year, month...)
:arrow: next (month, week...) => the next / following (month, week...)
:arrow: this => that
:arrow: that => that
:arrow: these => these
:arrow: those => those
:arrow: here => there
:arrow: there => there

:arrow: TENSES

Bob said, 'I'm going to see my mother.' => Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother.


:arrow: future 'I will always love you.' => conditional He said he would always love me.

:arrow: present simple .'He is ill.' => past simple She said he was ill.

:arrow: present continuous 'I'm leaving today.' => past continuous He said he was leaving that day.

:arrow: present perfect 'You have bought a dress.' => past perfect He said she had bought a dress.

:arrow: present perf. cont. 'I've been working all day.' => past perf. cont. He said he had been working all day.

:arrow: past simple 'I went to London.' => past perfect He said he had gone to London.

:arrow: past continuous 'My friends were playing chess.' => past perfect cont. He said his friends had been playing chess.

:arrow: past perfect 'I had lost my bag' => past perfect He said he had lost his bag.


can => could 'She can cook delicious meals.' :arrow: He said she could cook delicious meals.

may => might 'It may not rain this night.' :arrow: He said it might not rain that night.

must => had to 'I must leave now.' :arrow: She said she had to leave then.

Вправа. Напишіть речення у непрямій мові.


direct speech / indirect speech

1.1 Sarah: 'I'm going to the cinema with my boyfriend :arrow: Sarah said that ... was going to the cinema with ... boyfriend.

1.2 The neighbours: 'Can you lend us a ladder?' :arrow: They asked us if ... could lend ... ladder.

1.3 Tom: ' ... parents went with ... to Scotland.' :arrow: Tom told me that his parents had gone with him to Scotland.'

1.4 Jim and Jill: ' ... are looking at ... in the mirror.' :arrow: They replied that they were looking at themselves in the mirror.'


direct speech / indirect speech

2.1 Our friends: 'We have never been here before.' :arrow: Our friends told us that they had never been ... before.

2.2 Bill: 'I had a frightening dream tonight.' :arrow: Bill said that he had had a frightening dream ... .

2.3 Lara: 'I went to the swimming pool ... .' :arrow: Lara said that she had gone to the swimming pool the day before.

2.4 John: 'I'll have finished work by ... .' :arrow: John told me that he would have finished that work by the next day.

3. Зображення

direct speech / indirect speech

3.1 She said, 'I have a terrible toothache today.' :arrow: She said she ... a terrible toothache that day.

3.2 My sister promised, 'I will come with you.' :arrow: My sister promised she ... come with me.

3.3 He told me, 'I was reading a book when the explosion occurred.' :arrow: He told me that he ... a book when the explosion .

3.4 Anna said, 'You ... come and stay with me. :arrow: Anna said that I could come and stay with her.

3.5 Brian told me, ' I ... tennis for ten years.' :arrow: He told me that he had been playing tennis for ten years.

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