Заняття № 26Тема: Історія виникнення комп’ютеру. Future Indefinite. Методичні вказівки: 1. Вивчіть нову лексику.
2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст про значення комп'ютеру у нашому житті та дайте відповіді на питання.
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст " The history of the computer development" та дайте відповіді на питання.
4. Напишіть англійські еквіваленти українським словам.
5. Прочитайте текст " Computers in my life", виконайте вправи та розкажіть яку роль відіграє комп'ютер у вашому житті.
6. Прочитайте інформацію про комп'ютер та виконайте вправи.
7. Виконайте вправи на вживання Future Indefinite.
1. Вивчіть нову лексику.to use - використовувати, приміняти
to keep step with the times – жити в ногу із часом
not to be lost in the world of information – не загубитися в світі інформації
to be of great importance – мати важливе значення
can not tear oneself away from … – не можуть відірватися від …
are hooked on … – не представляти себі життя без …
to improve – поліпшити
to work on the computer = to operate the computer – працювати на комп’ютері
to study school subjects on … – вивчати шкільні предмети з …
2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст про значення комп'ютеру у нашому житті та дайте відповіді на питання. The rapid development of Science and Technology has changed the world. In recent years computers have been used in all fields of human activities: business, industry, education, culture, health care service, economics, politics, mass media, arts, in everyday life of different people. At the present time people have to keep step with the times and not to be lost in the world of information. So computers are becoming of great importance for most adults and youth.
Nowadays more and more people use computers at work and home. They can not tear themselves away from their computers. Especially children and teenagers are hooked on them. They like to play computer games and spend hours with educational programs. More and more kids can improve their reading, writing and arithmetic when they operate the computer. Many students study school subjects on it. They say computers make leaning fun!
Дайте відповіді на питання: Where have computers been used in recent years?
Why are they of great importance at the present time?
Where do people use computers?
Why are children especially hooked on them?
Do you like to operate the computer? 3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст " The history of the computer development"та дайте відповіді на питання. VOCABULARY
rapidly — швидко
general-purpose — універсальний, багатоцільовий
device — прилад, пристрій
vacuum tube — вакуумна трубка
several — трохи
multiplication — множення
to wire into — тут: записати на
manually — вручну
to alter — змінювати
transistor — транзистор
to create — створювати
to improve — поліпшувати, вдосконалювати
expensive — дорогий
to build (past built, p.p. built) — побудувати
digital — цифровий
conceptually — концептуально
similar — схожий, подібний
regardless — незважаючи на
nevertheless — проте, однак
desk-top — десктоп, комп'ютер настільного розміру
a desktop computerlaptop — лептоп
a laptop computerto fit — підходити
briefcase — портфель, валізка
workstation — робоча станція
to enhance — поліпшити, збільшувати
capability — здатність
enterprise — підприємство
research establishment — дослідницька установа
to be composed of — складатися з
central processing unit — центральний обчислювальний пристрій
distinct — різний
input device — пристрій введення інформації
memory storage device — пристрій збереження інформації
output device — пристрій виводу інформації
communication network — система комунікацій
bus — тут: шина
to link — з'єднувати
external — зовнішній
" The history of the computer development"
The rapidly advancing field of electronics led to construction of the first general-purpose electronic computer in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. It was Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer or ENIAC, the device contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and had a speed of several hundred multiplications per minute. Its program was wired into the processor and had to be manually altered.
Later transistors appeared. The use of the transistor in computers began in the late 1950s. It marked the advent of smaller, faster elements than it was possible to create with the use of vacuum-tube machines. Because transistors use less power and have a much longer life, computers alone were improved a lot. They were called second-generation computers. Components became smaller and the system became less expensive to build.
Modern digital computers are all conceptually similar, regardless of size and shape. Nevertheless, they can be divided into several categories on the basis of cost and performance.
The first one is the personal computer or microcomputer, a relatively low-cost machine, usually of desk-top size. Sometimes they are called laptops. They are small enough to fit in a briefcase.
The second is the workstation, a microcomputer with enhanced graphics and communications capabilities that make it especially useful for office work.
And the server computers, a large expensive machine with the capability of serving the needs of major business enterprises, government departments, scientific research establishments. The largest and fastest of these are called supercomputers.
A digital computer is not actually a single machine, in the sense that most people think of computers. Instead it is a system composed of five distinct elements: a central processing unit, input devices, memory storage devices, output devices and a communications network, called a «bus» that links all the elements of the system and connects the system itself to the external world.
Talking about a central processing unit or the heart of computer, I would like to add that there were several generations of microprocessors.
The first generation was represented by processing unit Intel 8086.
The second generation central processing unit was represented by processing unit Intel 80286, used in IBM PC AT 286. In the end of 80s such computer costs about 25-30 000 rubles in the former USSR.
The third generation is represented by Intel 80386, used in IBM PC AT 386. The microprocessors of the fourth generation were used in computers IBM PC AT 486. There are also central processing units of the fifth generation, used in Intel Pentium 60 and Intel Pentium 66, central processing units of the sixth generation, used in computers Intel Pentium 75,90,100 and 133. Few years ago appeared central processing units of seventh and eighth generations.
Computer speeds are measured in gigahertz today. Recently, an optical central processing unit has been invented, which is capable of executing trillions discrete operations per second or it is as fast as the speed of light.
So, we are at the threshold of new computer era, when artificial intelligence could be invented. There are no questions with «if», the only question is «when». And time will show us either computers become our best friends or our evil enemies as it is shown in some movies.
http://vk.com/video70710294_169536566QUESTIONS 1.
When was the first general-purpose electronic computer constructed?
2. When did the use of transistor in computers begin?
3. Are all modern digital computers conceptually similar?
4. What is laptop?
5. What is a server computer?
6. What is supercomputer?
7. How many elements can be distinguished in a computer? 4. Напишіть англійські еквіваленти українським словам. в університеті штату Пенсільванія, змінювалася вручну, лампові машини, сучасні цифрові обчислювальні машини, персональний комп'ютер, програма була записана на процесорі, для роботи в офісі, із зовнішнім світом, запам'ятовуючі пристрої, обчислювальні пристрої шостого покоління, галузь електроніки. 5. Прочитайте текст " Computers in my life", виконайте вправи та розкажіть яку роль відіграє комп'ютер у вашому житті.
male [meɪl] — чоловік; чоловічий
average ['æv(ə)rɪdʒ] — середній
majority [mə'dʒɔrɪtɪ] — більшість
owner ['əunə] — власник
to addict ['ædikt] — захоплюватися (чимсь); наркоман
survey ['sə:veɪ] — дослідження, огляд, опитування
debugging [di:'bʌgɪŋ] —
finding and removing problems in computers and computer programs — пошук і усунення технічних і програмних неполадок у комп'ютерах
"hacking" ['hækɪŋ] (gaining access to computers when it is not allowed) — хакерство (отримання несанкціонованого доступу до комп'ютерів)
to do well — процвітати, досягати успіху
COMPUTERS IN MY LIFEComputer studies is a subject in many schools. Many young people have personal computers. Ninety-six per cent of them are males of all ages.
All of them spend an average of twenty hours per week on home computers. The majority of the adults also use computers at work. About one in three hundred computer owners, so-called computer addicts, spends almost all his time using computers.
All the computer addicts are very educated. They have been interested in science and technology from a very early age and they are usually very shy people who like being alone.
A survey in a school showed that fewer girls are interested in computers because girls are less likely to have a computer. Even if they have one, they use them less frequently than boys.
Possibly it is because we think of computers as something to do with maths and science, which are traditionally "male" subjects. Possibly it is because most of the computer teachers are men, who give the girls less attention. Possibly parents think it is less important for girls to have computer skills.
Computer addicts love debugging, develop programs and love learning programming languages. They learnt to communicate with other users through computer networks and the people they met in school and work think of them as experts who could help and advise when they had problems with their machines. A few spend their time "hacking" and one addict left a message on a computer of Buckingham House. Very few computer addicts play computer games, but many people use a computer exclusively for games.
Some parents worry about computer games because they think their children won't be able to communicate with real people in the real world. But parents do not need to worry. According to research computer addicts usually do well after they have left school. Parents also do not need to worry that computer addiction will make their children become unfriendly and unable to communicate with people. It is not the computer that makes them shy. In fact, what they know about computers improves their social lives. They become experts and others come to them for help and advice.
For most children computer games are a craze. Like any other craze, such as skate-boarding, the craze is short-lived. It provides harmless fun and a chance to escape.
If we didn't have these computer addicts, we wouldn't have modern technology. They are the inventors of tomorrow.
Вправа №1.Дайте відповіді на питання:1. What are computer addicts like?
2. Have you ever used a computer? What do you use it for?
3. Why are computers used?
4. Why are more boys than girls interested in computers ? 3. Is computer addiction harmful?Вправа №2.Напишіть доповідь "computer technology" із використанням наступної лексики:
Group A monitor • screen • window • keyboard- • mouse • mouse pad • floppy disk • CD-ROM • modem • printer
Group В software • hardware • online • memory • website • e-mail • Internet • to log on • word processing • to start up • to connect • to crash • to surf • to print
Вправа №3. Вставте слова у текст за змістом. software • hardware • online • memory • website • e-mail • Internet • to log on • word processing • to start up • to connect • to crash • to surf • to print'As soon as I get home from school, I... my computer. It's a couple of years old now so I've had to expand the ... First of all I ... to the ... and go to Sporting Life, which is a sports news ..., to find out the latest football results. Then I check my ... to see if anyone has sent me any messages. If I have a homework project, I'll... the Internet to see if there is any useful information. If I find a good text that's quite long, I'll...
it as it's often easier to read on paper. When my parents bought the computer, we got lots of free ..., including an encyclopaedia and a ... package, which is very useful for writing my projects. I sometimes get bad days when the computer seems to ... all the time. And some days the Internet is busy, so when you dial it doesn't... . People say it's because millions of users in the USA go ... at that time. My mother is a bit worried that I'm going to run up huge bills on the Internet and that I'm going to become an Internet addict but I don't think I will.'
6. Прочитайте інформацію про комп'ютер та виконайте вправи. Do you know a computer’s parts and software? Here are some of them.
The DesktopLet’s switch on our computers. Can you see the Desktop?
What is located on the Desktop?
Desktop – робочий стол
My Documents – Мої документи
My Computer - Мій комп'ютер
Recycle Bin – корзина
Taskbar – панель задач
Folder - папка
File – файл, документ
We can save on the Desktop our own folders and files.The My Documents folder is your own personal folder in which you can
store your documents, graphics, and other personal files. When there is more than one person
using the computer, Windows creates a My Documents folder for each
user on the computer.
default, the
target or actual location of the My Computer folder is
C: / Documents and Settings / user name / My Documents, where C is the drive in which Windows
are installed. You can change the target if you want My Documents to point to a different folder location.
to store - зберігати
to use – використовувати
user – користувач
by default –за замовчуванням
target – завдання, план
to be installed – бути установленимThe My Computer folder is also located on the desktop. It contains resources of your Personal Computer (PC): Discs (3, 5 {A :}, {C :}, {D :}, etc.) the Control Panel, and Printers.
The Recycle Bin provides a safety net when deleting files or folders. When you
delete any of these
items from your hard disc, Windows places it in the Recycle Bin and the Recycle Bin
icon changes from
empty to full. Items deleted from a floppy disc or a network drive are permanently deleted and are not sent to the Recycle Bin. Items in the Recycle Bin remain there until you decide to permanently delete them from you computer. These items stiff
take up hard disc space and can be undeleted or restored back to their original location.
When it fills up, Windows automatically
cleans out enough space in the Recycle Bin to accommodate the most recently deleted files and folders. If you are running low on hard disc space, always remember to
empty the Recycle Bin.
items – документи, файли
icon – зображення, значок
to delete - удаляти
to take up hard disc space – займати місце на дискі
to clean out – очищати
empty - порожній
to empty - очищати
Taskbar is a panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located. The Start button allows users to access their computer. We begin and finish working on the computer pushing the Start. English / Russian button is a pointer of the current alphabet. When we operate the computer we don’t need to look at our watch or clock the Time button shows us what time it is.
Taskbar – панель задач
Settings – налаштування
Find – пошук
Help – справка
Run – виконати
Shut down – завершенння работиHow to Create a FolderCreating folders, also called directories, helps you to organize your files. For example, you might want to make a folder called “Job Search” to store your resume, cover letters, references and other documents.
STEP 1: Locate and select the place where you want to create your new folder. You may create your new folder on the desktop. If you want to put it inside the My Documents folder, then first open My Documents.
STEP 2: Open the File menu, and then click on New.
STEP 3: Click Folder. A new unnamed folder icon will appear.
STEP 4: Name your new folder by typing the name in the text box provided.
Вправа 1.1. Read, translate the texts.
2. Create your own folder called “Job Search”, create a document and save it into this folder.
3. What buttons do you need to create a new document?
4. Retell the texts about the Desktop folders.
5. Tell how to empty the Recycle Bin.
6. What is the Taskbar? Tell about its buttons.
7. When do you press the Start button?
8. Learn the new words.
Вправа 2.Виберіть необхідне слово за змістом:Choose the appropriate word to fit in each sentence:
1. Windows creates a My Documents___ for each user on the computer (folder, a floppy disc).
2. Items deleted from ____ or a network drive are permanently deleted ( а button, a floppy disc).
3. We begin and finish working on ____ pushing the Start ( а resume, the computer).
4. My Computer folder contains resources of your ____ (Personal Computer, My Documents).
Вправа 3.Підберіть до іменників із розділу А їх визначення із розділу Б. А. Recycle Bin
Б The button which enlarges or reduces the display of the active document;
The device that prints documents;
The folder where deleted documents are kept;
A person who operates a computer;
A directory;
The surface of the display of a computer;
The panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located.
The Menu Panel File – Файл
Edit – Редагування
View – Вид
Insert – Вставка
Format – Формат
Tools – Сервіс
Table – Таблица
Help - Довідка
The items of this Menu are called commands.
The Main Window Commands File – New / Файл – Створити
File – Open / Відкрити
File – Save/ Зберігти
File – Save As / Зберігти як
File – Page Setup/ Параметри сторінки
File – Print /Друкування
File – Print Preview/Попередній перегляд
File – Properties /Властивості
File – Exit/ Вихід
Edit – Undo/ Правка - Відмінити
Edit – Redo/ Повторити
Edit – Cut/ Вирізати
Edit – Copy/ Копіювати
Edit - Paste/ Вставити
Edit – Delete /Удалити
Edit – Select All/ Виділити усе
Edit - Find/ Знайти
Edit – Paste Special/ Спеціальна вставка
Edit – Replace/ Замінити
Edit – Go To/ Перейти
View – Toolbars/ Вид – Панелі інструментів
View – Zoom/ Масштаб
Insert – File/ Вставка – Файл
Insert - Picture/ Малюнок
Insert – Object/ Обєкт
Format – Font/ Формат – Шрифт
Format – Paragraph/ Абзац
Format – Style/ Стиль
Tools – Spelling/ Сервіс – Орфографія
Tools – Macro/ Макрос
Tools – Customize/ Сервіс - Налаштування
Tools – Options/ Параметри
Window – Split/ Вікно - Розділити
Вправа 1. 1. What is a Menu?
2. Read and study the Menu Panel.
3. What types of menu do you know?
Вправа 2. Show1) the menu bar (горизонтальне/головне меню, ленійка меню, строка меню);
2) the pull-down menu (меню, що спадає );
3) the pop-up / shortcut menu (контекстне меню).
Вправа 3. Вставте в слова пропущені літери.
Insert the missing letters: sp-lling, zo-m, rep-ace, too-s, -ut, f-le, sa-e, s-lit, f-rmat, pri-t, edi-, u-do, del-te, pi-ture.
Вправа 4. Знайдіть 8 слів, що відносяться до теми “Computer Studies” та запишіть їх:A B I N S E R T
1. _______ 5. ________
2.________ 6. ________
3. ________ 7. ________
4. ________ 8. _________
The ToolbarsFunction of commonly used buttons Creates a new blank document based on the default template Saves the active file with its current file name, location and file formatPrint preview - Shows how the document will look when you print it.Cut - Removes the selection from the document and places it on the clipboardPaste - Places the content of die clipboard at the insertion pointUndo - Reverses the last command, use pull-down menu to undo several stepsDisplays the Tables and Borders toolbarInsert an Excel spreadsheet into the Word document Displays or hides the Drawing toolbarOpens or finds a filePrints the active file - for more print options go to the File menu and select PrintSpelling, grammar and writing style checker
Copy - Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboardFormat painter - Copies the format from a selected object or text and applies to other objects or text
Redo - Reverses the action of the Undo button, use the pull-down menu to redo several steps Insert a table into the document, or make a table of selected text
Columns - Changes the number of columns in a documentZoom - Enlarge or reduce the display of the active document
Вправа 1.
1. What toolbars do you know?
2. Read and study the Standard toolbar.
3. Read and study the Format toolbar buttons.
There are some very important buttons in the
Format toolbar: Font (шрифт),
Font Size (размер шрифта),
Font Color (колір шрифта),
Bold (жирний), Italic (курсив), Underline (подкреслений),
Align Left (по лівому краю), Center (по центру), Align Right (по правому краю),
Justify (вирівнювати текст по ширині),
Bullets/Bulleted list (маркований список), Numbering/Numbered list (нумерованный список),
Decrease Indent (зменшити відступ) and Increase Indent (збільшити відступ).
4. Find the mentioned above Format toolbar buttons in your computer.
Вправа 2.
Create a document and change it using the Format toolbar (Font Size, Font Color, Bold Italic, etc.).
Вправа 3.
Find the English equivalents: Панель “Таблиці и границі ”
Панель малювання;
Скасувати / Повернути;
Вставити таблицу;
Попередній перегляд;
Добавити таблицу Excel.
10. Виконайте вправи на вживання Future Indefinite Tense.Вправа 1. Вставте в речення ‘ll чи won’t.
1. Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she ________ be 12.
2. It's sunny today. It ________ rain. Kelly is eleven today.
3. She ___________ be twelve until next year.
4. Rob is nine. He __________ be ten on his next birthday.
5. This month is May. It________ be June next month.
6. Jenny: 'Mum, the bus is late. I _______ be home until eight o'clock.
7. It's 25 degrees today. It _________ snow tomorrow.
8. I sent the letter this afternoon. It __________ arrive until tomorrow.
Вправа 2. Розкрийте дужки та виберіть дієслова у правильній формі. 1.
I ... (will read; shall read; would read) this magazine tomorrow. 2.
Tomorrow, the weather... (is; will be; shant' be) so wonderful. 3.
This time tomorrow, Anna ... (will wait; won't wait; shall wait) for you at the train station. 4.
In March, they ...( will go; shan't go; go) to Manchester for seightseeing and birthday of their daughter. 5.
... (Shall I help; Will you help; Would she smile) you Peter during your examination?6.
James and Elizabeth ... (shall play; will play; are playing) games tomorrow.7.
Jenifer and Wendy ... (will drive; shall drive; drive) for one hour to reach the hotel.
I am busy for the moment, but I... (will help; shall help; won't help) you after tomorrow.9.
... ( Shall I brings; Shall I bring: Will I bring) all the chairs from the kitchen? 10.
I ... ( shall see; shan't see; will see) the director during the meeting at 5 o'clock.