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Поточний час: 07 лист 2024, 02:32

Часовий пояс: UTC + 2 години

   [ 1 повідомлення ] 
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 Заголовок повідомлення: Конкурс творів до Дня студентів
ПовідомленняДодано: 07 жовт 2017, 19:46 

Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23
Повідомлення: 660
Конкурс творів до Дня студентів


Кожен, хто був студентом, згадує ці роки з радісним трепетом. Відчайдушна юність, коли найбільша проблема — сесія що насувається , а сама очікувана дата — День студента. Причому пригадується, як правило, не стільки саме навчання, скільки перший серйозний роман, веселі посиденьки з друзями, смішні випадки з життя…

Студентство — особлива каста. Студенти з різних країн чудово знайдуть спільну мову один з одним, незважаючи на мовні бар'єри. Студентські традиції — як серйозні, так і кумедні — дуже схожі і в Києві, і в Сорбонні, і в Оксфорді. Навіть своє «персональне» свято — Міжнародний день студента 17 листопада — студенти всього світу святкують саме в цей день.

Незважаючи на те, що студентська молодь відрізняється веселою, і навіть у якійсь мірі буйною вдачею, це свято має сумну передісторію. 28 жовтня 1939 празькі студенти вийшли на демонстрацію на честь річниці утворення своєї держави. Нагадаємо, що Чехословаччина на той час була окупована німцями, які поставилися до цього заходу без особливого пієтету. Проти демонстрантів виступили регулярні війська, в результаті зіткнень загинув студент-медик Ян Оплетал. Його похорони, які відбулися 15 листопада, дали поштовх до нових акцій протесту. 17 листопада були заарештовані і відправлені до концентраційного табору більше 1200 студентів. 9 осіб страчені без суду. А через два роки в Лондоні на зустрічі студентів з різних країн було вирішено вважати 17 листопада Міжнародним днем солідарності студентів . Зараз пафосні слова про міжнародну солідарність залишилися тільки в офіційних паперах, а в народі свято називають просто: День студента.

Майже у всіх країн є своє, національне студентське свято. Традиції святкування Дня студента схожі у всіх державах. По суті, вони зводяться до того, щоб відзначити свято якомога веселіше.

Проте студентські традиції стосуються не тільки свят, і з їх дотриманням іноді трапляються курйози. Наприклад, один студент в Оксфорді під час іспиту зажадав кухоль пива - мовляв, це давня традиція університету. Викладач задовольнив прохання - такий звичай дійсно був у XVIII столітті - однак відплатив знахабнілому молодикові його ж монетою. Він оштрафував його за те, що молодий чоловік порушив ще одну традицію: прийшов на іспит не при шпазі.

Є й безліч інших звичаїв: у Єльському університеті проводиться забіг в «костюмах Адама і Єви», а в Польщі в ніч перед врученням диплома одягаються в безглуздий одяг статуї фехтувальника, що стоїть перед Вроцлавським університетом. Всі традиції говорять про те, що студенти намагаються жити повним життям і відносяться до всього з неабияким гумором. А це, погодьтеся, не найгірші якості.




1. MY HOBBY. Зображення



УВАГА ! Зображення ПРИЙОМ РОБІТ (твори з фото та відеоматеріалами) приймаються до 1.11.2017

Письмові роботи необхідно відправити в розділ Зображення"Новых ЛС" на прізвище Донцова .

Незареєстровані студенти можуть відправляти відповіді на адресу Зображення (Facebook).Зображення



Зображення1. Москалюк Володимир. ( гр 2-Б ел)

19:20 07.01.2017.

My hobby

Many people have a hobby. They make our lives more interesting. Hobby is what people like to do when they have free time.My hobby is to play computer games. Both adults and children love it now. He became one of the most popular in our time hobby. I think that playing with the computer very interesting. It is not only "wasting time" as some people say. I have a good collection of different games, and when I have free time I like to play them with great pleasure. My favorite game is "World of tanks". This is an online game that is played by people all over the world, from children to adults. In this game you can play with friends or find new ones from different corners of the world. And this spend some quality time.



Зображення2. Шолпан Дмитро ( гр 4- Б мех)


My hobby

Some people are fond of traveling, gardening or collecting different things. Many boys and girls are fond of sport. Many people have got hobbies. As for me, I am fond of sport too. Sport helps me to become healthy and strong. That’s why, I go in for basketball. It’s my hobby. Sport keeps me in a good mood. I have been attending the sport school for 8 years . I first came there when I was 10 years. I attend trainings three times a week. Today I play basketball very well and even take part in different competitions. Last year I went to Belgorod to take part in regional competition. Sport helps me to keep fit and healthy. It also helps me to relax after hard day.




Зображення 3. Журя Володимир (гр. 3- Б мех)


My hobby

My favorite hobby is playing football, watching the matches of your favorite team. Football is the most popular sport in the world. Football programs collect record scans around the world. World and European championships are a real holiday for the whole world. Different countries compete for the right to hold the mundialya. From early childhood I play with friends in the yard. We can play without stopping from morning till night. Every day we try to learn new tricks and try to become like Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Zineddin Zidane. Football player whom I am support – Alexis Sanchez football player of the Chili national team, who plays for London "Arsenal". I think that a person is good at what he likes to do.



4. Зображення Єгоров Олександр (гр. 4-Б мех)


My hobby is drawing

Hobbies make our life more colouful and they keep us occupied in our leisure time. And I believe hobbies help us both to relax and to develop.
My favourite hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was five. My mother was a great teacher in my childhood, she always encouraged me and praised my funny drawings. She even decorated the house with them. And the best presents on my parents’ and grandparents’ birthdays were also my drawings. Of course I was pleased and quite proud of my works. Since then this hobby has become a very important part of my life.
I studied drawing from the special literature containing different sketches. I learnt to imitate drawing nature, beautiful buildings, human faces and bodies, animals and birds. I practiced in making them realistic and natural. My hobby made me observe the world around me every minute of my life. I realized that observation was the main thing in the art of painting and drawing.
Today drawing and painting are so much fun to me. I just need a paint brush and watercolour, crayons or pencils and some drawing paper. And I feel happy and never get bored with my hobby. I try to show all my devotion, imagination and creativity in my works. Mostly I am fond of still-lives and landscapes in light colours. Although it happens sometimes that I suddenly take a pen and start drawing whatever comes to my mind. I don’t consider myself to be a great artist and I still have much to be improved but my friends are always amazed at my pictures and they find them unique.
Drawing brings me real satisfaction. It is my own little world. And I hope one day it will help me to focus on my goal and become a graphic designer.

Зображення 5. Московский Станислав (гр 4-Б мех)


My hobby

My main hobby is volleyball. This is a team sport in which 12 players participate, 6 in one and 6 in the other team. I started practicing volleyball in the technical school on the third year. I really like this kind of sport because it develops physical data and the muscles of the whole body, and it just gives me pleasure.
Starting to play volleyball, I found new friends and lead a healthy lifestyle. I plan to play volleyball for a long time and I hope that I will achieve success in it.
At the moment, the main goal is to win the competition between the educational institutions of our town, and then to win regional competitions. For this I put a lot of efforts into training every day. I hope they will not be in vain and I will succeed.


Зображення 6. Бежан Максим (гр 4-А мех)

My hobby

I have no bad hobbies such as: smoking, drinking or using drugs.
As for me I have a lot of hobby, because there are so many interesting things to do.

Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I am a student.
That’s why I have to study a lot.
I like doing different things, such as: reading fiction and detective novels, listening to the classical music, watching films, meetings with my friends.

But my favorite hobby is solving crosswords.
I think that it is very useful.
Solving crosswords I learn a lot of different facts.
It is because there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, history, science and so on.
There are many types of crosswords.
They are published in newspapers and magazines.
Every week I buy special magazine with crosswords.
Sometimes I try to make up my own crosswords.
All the members of my family and friends like to take part in this interesting process.


Зображення 7. Арешкіна Тетяна (гр 4-А мех)



Зображення 8. Парфіров Руслан (гр 2-Б ел)

My hobby

Is it possible to call sport a hobby or is it rather a way of life? I really like to go in for sports, in my case it's a hobby, interesting, useful and active. Before I started studying on horizontal bars. Pluses of such lessons: you can choose the time of training yourself, if necessary, you can rest. Now you can find a lot of benefits for studying at home from simple aerobics, but I prefer horizontal bars. I'm working on my own program. Cons: first of forcing yourself to engage in regular activities is not easy, when the coach is not on you and does not control, and secondly boring. But now, I try not to miss, I still like this kind of sport like volleyball. I like it that when you play on the field with other people you forget about everything, volleyball calms the nerves and gives me a lot of positive and feelings, because I see my progress!



Зображення 9. Сербінов Олександр (гр 3-Б ел)


My hobby

My hobby is drawing

Hobbies make our life more colouful and they keep us occupied in our leisure time. And I believe hobbies help us both to relax and to develop.
My favourite hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was five. My mother was a great teacher in my childhood, she always encouraged me and praised my funny drawings. She even decorated the house with them. And the best presents on my parents’ and grandparents’ birthdays were also my drawings. Of course I was pleased and quite proud of my works. Since then this hobby has become a very important part of my life.
And I feel happy and never get bored with my hobby. I try to show all my devotion, imagination and creativity in my works. Mostly I am fond of still-lives and landscapes in light colours. Although it happens sometimes that I suddenly take a pen and start drawing whatever comes to my mind. I don’t consider myself to be a great artist and I still have much to be improved but my friends are always amazed at my pictures and they find them unique.
Drawing brings me real satisfaction. It is my own little world.

Зображення 10. Сангуров Владислав (гр 3-Б ел)


My Hobby
Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies. I go in for sports, I like to play football. I go to play football every day. Sport is very important part of our life. I have been playing football for 7 years. Football is very popular, so I choose it. I take part in different competitions. To be in a good shape, I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. If one goes in for sports he feels much better. And what is even more important you often will not get sick. Why do I in for sports ? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well – built. I dream of becoming a football player. I watch a lot of football matches and train to become a professional. I’m already good at playing football. But I want to play even better and also take part in the other championship. My favourite proverb says: « A sound mind in a sound body ».


Зображення 11. Паньків Іван (гр 3-Б ел)


Hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time. It isn’t connected to your job, but you engage in it regularly, because you like it a lot. Often, it brings you not only pleasure during the process, but also satisfaction with the results. You develop your skills and learn new things.
As for me, my hobby is electronics and I like it very much! It's great when you can create with your own hands some useful device, something new and unusual, or simply repair defective appliances by yourself. This occupation requires patience and concentration, and some skills.
So, for the whole period ofmyoccupationofthishobby I created a numberofinterestingdevices, oneofwhich I wouldliketotell. This is 3D printer. This device is able to reproduce any items that are modeled on a computer from plastic. So, you can get a 3D shape of your computer model, it can be anything: starting with a trinket and ending with some spare parts from the mechanism. Now my printer can print products with different kinds of plastic, but I constantly improve it, and I'm going to remake it for printing with metal. I would like to note that on this machine you can print parts for another 3D printer. Having such a thing you can print all your free time, turning this activity into a separate hobby, but I decided that I will not dwell on what has been achieved and focus only on 3D printing. 3D printer is the ideal tool for designing any products for those who like to create something with their own hands, but does not have a huge amount of tools and time, so I advise all enthusiasts to have this wonderfull device.
So, technology and electronics in particular are an integral part of our lives, and beyond them is the future, and the best way to learn it - is to turn it into a hobby.

Зображення 12. Дмитрієва Любов (гр 4-А ел)



One of my favorite pastimes is cooking. Most often I bake and decorate cakes.
My mom loves to cook delicious and sisters work bakers. And I inherited cooking as a hobby. We have family recipes that were prepared by my great-grandmother. New recipes I find in books. Watch master classes and participate in them.
My most favorite cake recipe of Napoleon. It is very simple to make and incredibly delicious. Also on New Year's Eve prepared gingerbread and treat all the family.
Cooking is an art that you want to constantly study, and since there are a lot of cakes, and every day there are new recipes, I think I will never be bored with it.

Recently made the cake, I wanted to share the photo.


Зображення 13. Параховой Дмитро (гр 2-А ел)


My hobby

I am fond of sport.Carate is my favoirite sport since childhood. Now I am achildren's coach. They like to follow my instructions and want to get the black belt as I have. Personally S participated in different competitions.





Зображення 1. Голубов Євген (гр 3-Б мех)


My favorite profession - Harvesting

Usually, people do not really enjoy their work. Sometimes they work only for satisfy the needs of themselves or their family. But in my opinion work should bring pleasure. From my early childhood I was very fond of helping my father to repair cars. That is why I decided to be a mechanics and has entered to the Izmail technical school of mechanization and electrification of agriculture. My mother wanted me to be an electrician, but I decided that I would study where I really like. This technical school gives me everything I need. All the skills that my dad has grown up in me I can practice and develop here. After the second year of studying , I went to work on agricultural enterprise on the summer holidays. At work I was taught to drive a tractor, work on a combine. Now I am able to plow the land, sow grain crops and collect them. Also, I am able to develop crop rotation. I got all of this knowledge in the college and the production practice help me to fix them and get the ability to work with agricultural machines.
I think that loving of your work is a way to success.



2. Зображення Сута Микита (гр. 4-Б ел)


This summer I was on technological practice in Izmail purp and boil mill. I had following schedule : Monday-Thursday, 8.00 AM - 5PM. In first day of practice I received a task: service switching devices. On Thursday I fulfilled it. Later I studied safety techniques.
After that Chief Power Engineer gave me the task to study the scheme of the unit "Ampag. It was a very difficult work because this scheme is very had and the size of paper where the scheme was printed was very big. I lost on it a couple of days.
After twelve days one of the units was burnt. Other electricians together with me eliminated the consequences of a fire. We disassembled and checked the integrity and performance of engines, cables, lamps, commutation devices, sensors.
I laid cable lines, cleaned cable routes, dismantled and assembled asynchronous and synchronous motors, wound the cable in shields, from three burned down lamps I has assembled one working lamp/ Also I climbed the loader and changed the lamps at height of 7 meters! Oh, I worked a lot and free of charge. It's a little spoiled mood. But in fact I was satisfied with the practice, but I will not agree to work free of charge any more.



3. Зображення Бежан Максим (гр. 4-А мех)

My first steps in my future profession

As for me I think that my first steps in my future profession were entering to the Izmail Technical School of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.

I decided enter this technical school because I like mechanics.

New subjects such as: Agricultural Machines, Technical Mechanics, Repairing of machines were new for me and not very easy.

That’s why I had to work hard in order to do well.

Last year we had a practice.

We learned how to drive lorries and combines.

It was very interesting and useful for us because we made our knowledge wider.

I’d like to say that our teachers were very attentive to us.

Now I understand if I want to be a good mechanic I must know so much.

It was not easy for the first time to do everything well.

So I often went to the technical library for special literature.

I watched educational video in different technical themes.

Thanks to it I have some nice knowledge and marks.

During my first summer holidays I went to the St. Petersbung and had a practice in driving and repairing cars.

I think that my next steps in my future profession will be entering the Politechnical University.



Зображення 4. Дмитрієва Любов (гр 4-А ел)


Since childhood, parents have been thinking about the future profession of their child and I am no exception. And we are children, too we think of her. I dreamed a little girl to become a teacher. Landed the plush toys and taught them to mathematics, singing. But I and my imaginations grew in course of time. Child's dreams were replaced by new and interesting.
When it's time to decide - it was a difficult choice.
And I'm passing the exam enrolled in an electrician. Of course the profession of electrician is not for girls says it all. Honestly, I even could not imagine about such a profession.
But still there remained quite a bit to graduation. I'm in the fourth year in college. Hurray!!!
I love studying, I even an excellent pupil.
We were recently in the production practice. I was held in electric service enterprise.
From the practice left a lot of impressions, very good.The staff was wonderful, friendly, helpful, helped me with everything and taught. I scanned the documents and brought them to the database and get acquainted with the treaties, studied their issue. Even got a job, I will decide on this proposal.
My future profession is important for people; especially don't have good, knowledgeable, professional people.
I will try with all forces to become a professional.

Connection lighting




In machine shop practice


The reversing starting the engine

Зображення 5. Кліменок Микита (гр 4-А ел)


My future profession.

Before speaking this topic let me introduce myself. My name is NikitaKlymenok. I am 18 years old. I'm studying at the agricultural technical school on the fourth year.

There are plenty of different professions. Some of my friends want to be doctors, others want to be lawyers or journalists, some want to become designers, IT workers.But I'm always interested in things related to electricity. So,I've already decided what I want to do when I finish college. I like reading books related to electricity, research articles about new technologies and discoveries.I also like to repair household appliances. But I like most of the time looking for the cause of the failure of the device.



This summer I worked as an installer in the company "Global City Net" providing Internet access services.The first working days due to small experience I was entrusted with low-skilled work - preparation of the workplace: checking tools; installation of safety signs; cable unwinding; verification of personal protection equipment; etc.After training and practice I began to trust more qualified work: installation of cable lines at the height, in the building, in places with increased danger, with the instruction on labor protection and recording in the journal; setting up the means of obtaining and distributing data on the Internet.

I really liked this work. I received valuable experience which will be useful in my future professional work.


Зображення 6. Чигіна Христина (гр 2-А бух)



Good afternoon! My name is Christina. And I would like to tell you about my hobby and the first steps in my future profession. A year ago I entered the first year of studying for an accountant. And my hobby is connected with writing poems. Many may think that it is very difficult to combine poetry and study. But I can assure you that the main thing that a person has a desire to do all this, and then he will succeed. I also thought at first that it would be difficult for me to study and at the same time write poems, but as it turned out in the future, this is quite an interesting activity. After all, each person should have his own personal hobby, a job that he can and wants to devote his life to. I can tell you that basically I began to develop my own creativity in my thoughts about admission, about choosing my future profession. But my first steps in my future profession were probably not very great, but I think I did them at the first calculation of the figures. After all, since my childhood I've been fond of doing mathematics, different calculations, and that's why I chose the profession of an accountant. After all, this is a very fascinating and fascinating profession. And I would like to say to each of you that despite all life's difficulties you must have your own hobby and personal choice. This choice can affect your life, and maybe not, but it's not at all, but that it's your personal choice, your own opinion, thanks to which your life can change.


Моя професія – бухгалтер!

Бухгалтер – поважна людина
І це дуже гарна новина
Він дуже великі цифри рахує
І для підприємства звіти готує
Ми маємо його усі цінувати
Щоб потім отримати всі по зарплаті
І риси його – це велика спокійність
Та у документах усюди надійність
То ж знайте, бухгалтер – великеє слово
Яке я вважаю для вас вже не ново
А також він може звіряти баланс
Але не для всіх співає романс
Ми всі розуміємо , професія – складна
Бухгалтер – людина ,що дуже порядна
Роботу виконує якісно дуже
Тож йди на бухгалтера, любий мій друже!





І місце Арешкіна Тетяна (гр 4-А орг) Паньків Іван (гр 3-Б ел) Зображення

ІІ місце Єгоров Олександр (гр. 4-Б мех), Бежан Максим (гр. 4-А мех) Зображення

ІІІ місце Сербінов Олександр (гр 3-Б ел)Зображення


І місце Сута Микита (гр 4-Б ел) Чигіна Христина (2- А бух) Зображення

ІІ місце Дмитрієва Любов (гр 4-А ел) , Бежан Максим (гр. 4-А мех) Зображення

ІІІ місце Кліменок Микита (гр 4-А ел) , Голубов Євген (гр 3-Б мех) Зображення






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