Зареєстрований: 27 лип 2014, 11:21 Повідомлення: 203
Тема: Економіка с/г.Методичні вказівки:1. Вивчити нові лексичні одиниці.
2. Прочитати та перекласти текст, використовуючи нову лексику.
3. Виконати лексико-граматичні вправи по темі.Завдання ІВивчити нову лексику: dealing with - має діло с production cost – собівартість cost accounting - хозрозрахунок operational independence - незалежність у праці to take decisions - приймати рішення cost - вартість decrease - зменьшувати economics - экономіка efficiency эфективність enterprise - підприємство farm management - с.г. управління farm produce - с.-г. продукція income - прибуток market - ринок marketable - товарний marketing - реализація, збут means of production - засоби виробництва output - продукція, випуск продукції planning - планування price - ціна profit - прибуток profitable - рентабельний remuneration - оплата value - вартість Завдання ІІПрочитайте та перекладіть текст: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICSAgricultural economics is a field of economics dealing with the economic problems associated with agriculture, the efficiency of farm production being one of them and most important. Some other economic problems are intensification and specialization of agricultural production, farm planning and management, labour productivity, prices for farm produce, marketing of farm produce, etc.
Production cost is the main indication of the efficiency of a farm. It includes the value of the means of production to be used in the production process, the remuneration to be paid to the farm labourers and the cost of farm management.
In order to obtain high incomes any agricultural enterprise is to decrease the production cost of farm produce by proper use of land, labour and machinery, by increasing the total marketable output and by improving the quality of farm produce, since high-quality products are known to be sold at the market at higher prices.
 For farm enterprises to be more profitable and efficient the cost accounting principle is widely applied now on our collective and state farms. It involves operational independence, that is, the head of an enterprise may take independent decisions as to the activities of his enterprise. Due to the introduction of cost accounting system all the farmers have become interested in finding new potentialities for making their enterprises more profitable.
Thus, the production cost being low, the profit of the enterprise increases. Завдання ІІІВиконайте лексико-граматичні вправи по темі. Вправа1Перекладіть речення:1.The combine harvesters to be used next season were produced two years ago. 2. Robots to appear for doing work on fields will be able to till the soil. 3. The field to be plowed tomorrow is in good condition. 4. On our farm there are some labour-consuming operations to be mechanized. 5. The economic problems to be solved in our country are cost accounting, labour organization and self-financing. 6. The incomes to be obtained by our farm will be high. 7. Most of the farm produce to be obtained next season will be sold at the market. 8. We have seen the new machines to work on the fields of our farm. 9. The new system to be introduced on the farm Zarya is known as cost accounting. 10.То take independent decisions by farms is the basis of cost accounting system. 11. To make their enterprises profitable farmers use cost accounting. 12. The main aim of any agricultural enterprise is to decrease the production cost of farm produce. 13. Farm labourers are to be paid according to the work done. 14. Land is known to be the main resource for agricultural production. 15. All farmers know the price for farm produce to vary with the produce quality. 16. The total marketable output to be obtained this year will be higher than last year. Вправа 2Перерахуйте по-англійські проблеми, якими займається с/г економікаВправа 3Знайдіть та перекладіть речення, в яких йдеться мова про: а) основну проблему у с/г економіки; б) себівартість та її компоненти; в) яким чином знизити собівартість; г) що таке хозрахунок.Вправа 4Дайте відповіді на питання:1. What is agricultural economics? 2. What is the main indication of the efficiency of a farm? 3. What does production cost include? 4. How can production cost be decreased? 5. What is cost accounting? 6. Do farmers become interested in the activities of the farm when cost accounting system is used?Вправа 5Прочитайте, перекладіть тексти та складіть по три питання до кожного з них SPECIALIZATION OF FARM ENTERPRISESSpecialization means growing those crops or breeding those farm animals which produce higher economic effect under given conditions.
Farms located near big industrial cities specialize in producing those agricultural products which are mostly needed by the population in these cities. Such products are known to be milk, meat, vegetables and fruits.
Specialization of farm enterprises is known to increase production and decrease the production cost of farm produce, for it makes possible to use labour and means of production much more efficiently. The leading branch in which a farm specializes provides the largest amount of marketable produce and requires the greatest investment .FARM INTENSIFICATIONThere are three main lines of intensification in agriculture. One of them is to mechanize, electrify and automate agricultural production.
Another line is chemization. Many million tons of mineral fertilizers have been produced to be used on our farms. One more line is land improvement, that is irrigation and drainage, depending on its condition.