Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23 Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 58Тема: Техніка безпеки під час експлуатації машин та обладнання для тваринництва та переробки сільськогосподарської продукції.Методичні вказівки: 1. Вивчіть нову лексику.
2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "Safety of Machines and Equipment in Animal Production Industry".
3. Складіть синонімічні пари.
4. Дайте відповіді на питання.
5 Підберіть до англійських прислів’їв та виразів із колонки А українські еквіваленти із колонки Б.
1. Вивчіть нову лексику. regulations concerning health and safety [regjuˈleɪʃənz kənˈsə:nɪŋ ˈhelθ ənd ˈseɪfti] - правила, що стосуються здоров'я і безпеки
craftsman [krɑ:fsmən] - майстер
adhere strictly to the regulations [ædˈh iə ˈstrɪkli tə ðə ˌ regjuˈleɪʃənz ] - суворо дот-римуватися правил
omission [ouˈmɪʃən] – недогляд, упущення
оverall [ouvə’rɔ:l] - спец. одяг
chisel [ˈtʃɪzəl] - долото
hazard warning signs [ˈhæzərd ˈwɔ:nɪŋ ˈsaɪnz] - знаки попередження про небезпеку
obligations and instructions [ɔbləˈgeɪʃənz ənd ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz] - обов'язки та інструкції
locked in the ‘off’ position [lɔkt ˈɪn ðə‘ɔf pəˈzɪʃən]- закритий у положенні "вимкнено" a permit-to-work system [ə pə ‘mit tə ‘wə :k ˈsɪstəm] – система видачі дозволів на роботу.2.Прочитайте та перекладіть текст: “Safety of Machines and Equipment in Animal Production Industry”
Hazard warning signs, obligations and instructions should be widely displayed throughout the buildings on walls, vehicles, containers, etc. to bring these to the attention of personnel. The series of signs are prepared by the British Standards Institute: ( the black triangle with a black-on-yellow pictogram indicating warning, the red circle with crossbar and a black-on-white pictogram denoting a prohibition and the blue circle with the pictogram imposed in white denoting obligation or instruction. A green square with the pictogram in white is for information.
Every potentially dangerous part of any machine whether power driven or not must be securely protected. Before work is started on a machine it is essential to ensure that it cannot be accidentally set in motion. The power supply system must be so disconnected that some special action is required for its reconnection. If the machine has individual drive, either the fuses (запобіжник) should be removed with precautions to prevent accidental replacement, or the switch should be locked in the ‘off’ position. In some cases mechanical isolation might be necessary such as removal of belt from drive. A notice should be displayed at the machine to be worked upon to warn persons against any attempt to set the machine in motion. The power should be connected and the warning notices removed only by the maintenance craftsman after he has completed his work and made the necessary checks.
In exceptional circumstances (y виняткових випадках) it may be necessary to observe closely the machinery in motion with the guards (захист) removed. Such work may only be carried out by qualified persons, and only when permission to do so has been obtained from the supervisory officer on duty. Before a guard or fence is removed from machinery, warning notices should be displayed on all sides where there is access to the unguarded mechanism. Guards and fences should be replaced before the warning notices are with-drawn. This ‘permit-to-work’ system ensures the safety both of the craftsman and of the equipment on which he works.
Certain tasks require an extra strict observance of safe working practices, e.g., when adjacent (суміжний) equipment may still be in use. Such tasks must not be carried out by a craftsman unless he has been issued with written authority to do so in the form of a signed ‘permit-to-work’. It is essential that the correct procedures are followed and are accepted as the normal method of working. The practices of a permit-to-work system vary according to local needs, but the contents of such a permit usually include the description of the work involved, the time limits between which the equipment or the area must be made safe, the title of the issuing authority, the officer-in-charge and the necessary precautions required to make the equipment safe to work. The permit must be signed by the officer-in-charge. General safety rules should be displayed in places where they can be easily and frequently seen by the staff concerned. It is more effective to display them as a list of what should and what should not be done in connection with particular types of jobs. An example of this, referring to safety of electrical works, could be displayed as: DO - report all electrical faults; -- use compressed air carefully; -- keep all electrical equipment dry and clean ; DO NOT -- use defective cables, plugs, etc.; -- keep loose cables off the floor ( не допускайте контакту кабелів з підлогою); -- connect power tools to lamp sockets; -- direct compressed air at yourself or others. Plant, equipment and machineryMany injuries occur in the meat retail industry from using machinery such as: - -band saws (стрічкові пили)
--sausage machines
--gravity and horizontal feed slicers
--bacon slicers
--meat tenderisers (умягчитель для м'яса)
--forklifts (навантажувачі). Ways to control hazardsHere are some ways to reduce or remove risks when using plant, equipment and machinery in the meat retail industry. When using a band saw, be careful when cutting small portions of meat (for example, pork chops) as your hand moves closer to the blade.
-Adjust the band saw blade guard as close as possible to the cutting table to reduce the cutting area of the blade (лезо) exposed to you.
--Knee- or foot-operated stop buttons should be located close to you when you are using a band-saw, for emergency use. (Кнопки на рівні колін або ніг повинні бути розталована поруч з вами, коли ви використовуєте стрічкової пилки, для використання в екстрених ситуаціях)
--Limit continuous operating time on the band saw, as it is mentally and physically demanding.
--Provide a system of portioning сuts to enable small pieces of meat to be cut.
- -Ensure band saw trays (лотки стрічкової пили) are large enough to hold the pieces of meat to be cut.
--Ensure the feed throat of a mincer or mixer is designed to stop you from touching the worm.
--Fit delivery guards that stop you touching the cutter knives. You should not be able to fit your fingers through guard holes. --Fit a hopper guard or lid to stop access to the mixing paddles and worm. This guard/lid should link to the power supply to the motor.
- -When using a mincer or mixer, use a push stick that cannot touch the worm to force meat down if the feed throat gets blocked.
--With slicers, use blade sharpeners with the guards in place. The slice thickness plate should be zero unless the machine has a detachable sharpener.
--When using a slicer, attach a suitable last-slice device or meat pusher to the carriage to stop your hand slipping onto the blade. The meat pusher should have a handle.
--Power driven bacon slicers should not be used for cutting slippery, small or unevenly shaped food that cannot be held or clamped to the carriage. A large plate guard located at the front of the slicer offers protection when using a power driven bacon slicer. The plate, other guards and the sharpener should be linked to the blade motor. 3. Складіть синонімічні пари: link, dangerous, frequently, connect, protection, small, defense, accident, little, blade, edge, secure, interject, emergency, interfere, often, safe, hazardous. 4. Дайте відповіді на питання: 1. What series of signs prepared by the British Standards Institute do you know?
2. What machinery causes injuries in the meat retail industry?
3. What are any ways to reduce or remove risks when using plant, equipment and machinery in the meat retail industry? 5. Підберіть до англійських прислів’їв та виразів із колонки А українські еквіваленти із колонки Б.