Заняття № 43Тема: Машини для підготовки та внесення добрив. Словотворення. Префікси. Методичні рекомендації:1. Вивчіть нову лексику.
2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення.
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст “ Methods and Equipment for Fertilizing Row Crops”.
4. Виконайте вправи на закріплення лексики.
5. Дайте відповіді на питання.
6. Підберіть до англійських слів із колонки А українські еквіваленти із колонки Б.
7. Перекладіть речення з інфінітивним комплексом.
8. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал «Словотворення. Префікси.» та виконайте вправи.
1. Вивчіть нову лексику. to fertilize [ tə‘fə:tilaiz] - удобрювати
fertilizer [ ‘fə:tilaizə] - добриво
poultry droppings [‘poultri ‘drɔpiŋz] - пташиний послід
litter manure [‘litə mə ‘juə] - підстілковий гній
sewage waste [ su’iʤ weist] - каналізаційні відходи
ashes [‘æʃiz] - попіл
loosen organical substance [ ‘luzn ɔ’ga:nik ‘sʌbstəns] – сипуча органічна речовина
half – liquid manure [‘ha:f ‘likwid mə ‘juə] - напіврідкий гній
composed fertilizer [ kəm’pouzd ‘fə:tilaizə] - компост
fertilizing [ ‘fə:tilaiziŋ] - внесення добрив
manure [mə ‘juə] - гній
decay substance [di’kei ‘sʌbstəns] - гноївка
peat [pi:t] - торф
liquid manure [ ‘likwid mə ‘juə] - рідкий гній
nitrogen [‘nai trədʒən] - азот
potassium [pə’tæsiəm] - калій
phosphorus [‘fɔsfərəs] - фосфор
broadcasting before planting [brɔːd’kaːstiŋ bɪˈfɔː(r) ‘plaːntiŋ] - розкидування добрив перед посадкою
fertilization at planting time [ˌfətiləˈzeɪʃən ət ˈpl ɑ: ntɪŋ ˈtaɪm] - внесення добрив під час посадки
side-dressing after the crop is planted - міжрядне підживлення після посадки рослин
drill - сівалка, рядкова сівалка
seed germination injury [si:d ʤ ə:mi’neɪ ʃn ‘indʒəri] - пошкодження пророщеного насіння
furnish [‘fə:niʃ] - забезпечувати
soluble state [sɔl‘jub ‘steit] - розчинний стан
2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення. lead someone on - змусити когось повірити неправді
leave it at that - залишити як є
leave a message - залишити повідомлення
let bygones be bygones - не ворушити минуле
let go of - відпустити, не тримати
let (it) go - звільнитися від важкого переживання
let one's hair down - триматися неофіційно
let someone down - підвести когось
let someone know - сповістити
like father, like son - який батько, такий і син
Вправа.1. They suspect that you are leading them on. You
led me on!
Leave it at that, what else can you do?
3. He
left word for you to meet him at the airport at 6.
4. Why don't you
let bygones be bygones and forget about what he said?
Let go of my hand or I'll call the guard.
6. He's still in despair and can't
let (it) go. You can’t change anything, so let it go.
7. She is always so formal. She never
lets her hair down.8. Don't
let me down this time!
Let me know when you find a job.
10. Paul won a prize in a chess tournament. Great!
Like father, like son!3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст “ Methods and Equipment for Fertilizing Row Crops” There are three distinct methods of fertilizing row crops:
(1) fertilization before planting;
(2) fertilization at planting time, and
(3) side-dressing after the crop is planted.
With the first method, the fertilizer is usually applied to the soil just prior to planting. A combination grain and fertilizer drill is the implement most commonly used, since with this implement the fertilizer can be drilled into the soil at any desired depth. Other implements, such as fertilizer -broadcasting machines manufactured by all implement companies, end-gate lime and fertilizer spreaders, and home-made cylinder spreaders such as the water-tank spreader, can be used to distribute the fertilizer evenly over the soil. With the broadcasting equipment, the fertilizer is usually distributed just prior to final preparation of the seedbed, as through preparation of the seed-bed, the fertilizer becomes mixed with the top soil.
Advantages of Broadcast Method
The broadcast method of fertilization has a number of advantages:
1) It permits the use of heavier applications of fertilizer at planting time without the danger of seed germination injury;
2) The heavier amounts applied furnish a steady supply of plant food throughout the growing period;
3) Residual effect on succeeding crop is more uniform.
With the broadcast method of fertilization it is advisable and profitable to use heavier rates per acre than is the case with other methods of fertilization. The main factor favouring broadcast application to row crops is the elimination of any danger to seed germination.
Method of Fertilization at Planting Time
Fertilization at planting time is one of the most common methods of fertilizing row crops. This method conserves labor, since fertilization is accomplished along with the seeding operations. With this method the fertilizer is placed in close proximity to the seed. Accordingly, this furnishes the tiny plants with a supply of available plant food during the initial growth period. This is quite beneficial, since it causes more rapid growth and in the case of sugar beets permits thinning to start a few days earlier. This method of fertilization permits maximum results from a minimum amount of fertilizer. In fact, it is not advisable to apply very large amounts of fertilizer per acre when applied at planting time due to possible seed germination injury. Fertilization at planting time is accomplished by use of fertilizer attachments on the seed planter. Most implement concerns manufacture fertilizer attachments for the various planters.
Side-dressing Method
The third method, side-dressing, is growing in popularity. This method has several advantages.
1. The fertilizer is applied at the side of the plants and at a depth most advantageous for maximum utilization by the plants. With phosphates it is near enough to the roots to be kept in a soluble state by the carbon-dioxide given off by the roots.
2. The fertilizer is applied deep enough in moist soil that it becomes quickly available; also, it is not hoed out on top of the soil and away from the roots during thinning as is the case when applied directly with the seed.
3. Side-dressing provides an easy method of fertilization at any time after the crop is planted. Since side-dressing equipment is usually attached to the cultivator, fertilization can be accomplished during any cultivation.
4. Side-dressing permits correcting plant-food deficiency symptoms at any time these symptoms show up in a crop. A number of the larger implement concerns such as John Deere, International, and Oliver have side-dressing equipment available for their cultivators. The Self Manufacturing Company of Twin Falls, Idaho, and the Lang Company of Salt Lake City also manufacture side-dressing equipment which can be used on any make cultivator.
The principal difficulty in side-dressing equipment has been in the design of a satisfactory furrow opener. For several years the Anaconda Company has been perfecting a furrow opener that has the following advantages:
1. Simplicity, 2. It can be operated close to the row without injury to the crop, 3. It will apply fertilizer at good depth and will not clog or stop up.
While any one of the described methods of fertilizing row crops is effective, numerous tests during recent years indicate that possibly the most effective method of fertilization is a combination of two of these methods, This combination method is the application of a small amount of fertilizer with the seed at planting time followed by side dressing with heavier amounts after thinning. To be specific, in numerous tests using various methods of fertilizing the sugar-beet crop, some of the best results were obtained when 50 to 75 pounds of treble superphosphate were applied with the seed at planting time using a fertilizer attachment on the planter, followed by side-dressing the beets after thinning with approximately 100 pounds more treble superphosphate per acre.
A limited amount of fertilizer with the seed at planting time gives the tiny plants the needed quick kick, improves the stand, permits earlier thinning, and makes thriftier plants. Through side dressing, the plant foods are supplied at the proper depth and position and in sufficient amounts to feed the crop throughout the growing period.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p ... qmSRxiTcIg4. Виконайте вправи на закріплення лексики. Вправа 1. Складіть антонімічні пари: final, minimum, top, rapid, bottom, dry, safe, close, disadvantage, slow ,thin, beginning, thick, maximum, danger, advantage, moist, far. Вправа 2. Складіть синонімічні пари: a number of, indicate, advantage, different, crop, end, obtain, distinct, apply, before, commonly, due to, usually, manufacture, plant, produce, many ,soil, allow, ground, final, permit, thanks to, show, benefit, prior to. Вправа 3. Прочитайте інформацію про добрива та напишіть про те чи використовуєте ви добриви у вирощуванні сільськогосподарських культур. Friends or enemies We grow plants to feed animals and people. There are a lot of people in the world. To feed them all we need many vegetables and fruit. To get bigger harvest we use fertilizers.
If we use too many fertilizers there will be too many nitrates in the soil. Plants absorb them and keep them. When we eat fruit and vegetables with nitrates we can have headaches , or get cancer and blood problems . It's very dangerous for young children. There are more nitrates in the center. There are more nitrates in the upper part. Fertilizers and Other Chemicals. Water from rain runs down the slopes of the land which may include farm areas that use fertilizers, pesticides and other farming chemicals. After that they travel down into the rivers, lakes or oceans .
Fertilizers and some chemicals may cause plants to grow quicker. With the growth of more plants, more bacteria will grow (bacteria eat dead plants). Bacteria need oxygen to survive and if there are more bacteria in a river than normal, there is less oxygen for fish and some of them may die. Pesticides are toxic substances widely used in farming and forestry but they are concentrated as they go up the food chain. They are not excreted by the fish or animal absorbing them, they accumulate and are passed to the higher animal that eats them.
Other chemicals besides farming chemicals affect humans as well. Nitrates in drinking water can cause diseases to infants that might cause them death. Cadmium can be absorbed by crops, and if people ingest this in sufficiently large quantities it can cause diarrhea disorders, liver and kidney damage. The culprit is suspected to be inorganic substances such as mercury, arsenic and lead Вправа 4. Вставте в речення слова за змістом. 1.
Fertilizers are soil amendments applied to promote plant growth; the main nutrients present in fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorus, and ... (potassium; oxygen; selenium) (the 'macronutrients') and other nutrients ('micronutrients') are added in smaller amounts.
2. Fertilizers are usually directly applied to soil, and also ... ( put; smelled; sprayed) on leaves ('foliar feeding').
3. Fertilizers are roughly broken up between organic and ... ( water; land; inorganic) fertilizer, with the main difference between the two being sourcing, and not necessarily differences in nutrient content.
4. Organic fertilizers and some mined inorganic fertilizers have been used for many ... ( days; weeks; centuries), whereas chemically synthesized inorganic fertilizers were only widely developed during the industrial revolution.
5. Increased understanding and use of fertilizers were important parts of the pre-industrial British ... (Sport; Agricultural; Environment) Revolution and the industrial green revolution of the 20th century.
Tennessee Valley Authority: "Results of Fertilizer" demonstration 1942
6. Fertilizers typically provide, in varying proportions:
the three primary macronutrients:... (nikel; nitrogen; neon) (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).
the three secondary macronutrients: calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), ... (manganese; molybdenum; magnesium) (Mg).
and the micronutrients or trace minerals: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), manganese (Mn), ... (iron; francium; fluorine) (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and selenium (Se).
7. The macronutrients are consumed in larger ... ( qualities; cubes; quantities) and are present in plant tissue in quantities from 0.2% to 4.0% (on a dry matter weight basis).
8. Micronutrients are consumed in ... ( small; smaller; the smallest) quantities and are present in plant tissue in quantities measured in parts per million (ppm), ranging from 5 to 200 ppm, or less than 0.02% dry weight.
5. Дайте відповіді на питання: 1. What are three distinct methods of fertilizing row crops?
2. What does broadcasting before planting mean?
3. What are the advantages of the method of fertilization at planting time?
4. What does side – dressing method mean?
6. Підберіть до англійських слів із колонки А українські еквіваленти із колонки Б. А to fertilize, fertilizer, poultry dropping, litter manure, sewage waste, ashes, loose organical structure, half – liquid manure, composed fertilizer, fertilizing, manure, decay substance, peat, liquid manure, nitrogen, potassium, lime.
Б калій, вапно, гноївка, торф, азот, удобрювати, напіврідкий гній, добриво, пташиний послід, попіл, підстилковий гній, гній, рідкий гній, сипуча органічна речовина, каналізаційні відходи, компост.
7. Перекладіть речення з інфінітивним комплексом: 1.Manure is considered to be the most effective fertilizer.
2. Poultry droppings is known to be the most valuable fertilizer before sowing sugar beets, corn and vegetable crops.
3.The composed fertilizer is considered to be a loosen organical structure.
4. Ashes and lime are believed to be the local fertilizers. 8. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал «Словотворення. Префікси.» та виконайте вправи.Граматичний матеріал: «Словотворення. Префікси.» Префіксом називається частина основи, яка стоїть перед коренем слова і надає слову певного смислового значення. Префікси в англійській мові додаються до слова, тим самим змінюючи його значення. Проте слово залишається тією ж частиною мови, що і без префікса.
Префіксів в англійській мові досить багато, ось найпоширеніші з них. Un-, dis-, in-, non-, il-, im-, ir-: префікси з негативним значенням або значенням протилежності.(сomfortable – uncomfrtable (зручний – незручний); regular – irregular (правильний – неправильний); polite – impolite (ввічливий – нечемний); literate – illiterate (грамотний – неграмотний); approve – disapprove (схвалювати – не схвалювати) ;dispose – indispose (схиляти – налаштовувати проти); entity – non-entity (буття-небуття)
Re-: значення заново, знову.(claim – reclaim (вимагати – вимагати назад); incarnation – reincarnation (втілення – перевтілення)
Mis-: значення неправильний, невірний.(adventure – misadventure (подія-нещастя); deed – misdeed (вчинок – злодіяння)
post-: значення до, перед і після. (caution – precaution (застереження – обережність); war – post-war (військовий – післявоєнний)
en-: перший префікс зі значенням з, поза; колишній, другий зі значенням робити потрібно для утворення дієслів від прикметників та іменників.
(service – ex-service (службовий – відставний); communicate – excommunicate (спілкуватися – вигнати); chain – enchain (ланцюг – приковувати); dear – endear (улюблeний – змусити полюбити)
Sub-, over-та
under-: перша приставка зі значенням під, друга – понад, надмірно, а третя – недостатній.
(due – subdue (обов'язок – підкоряти); charge – overcharge (завантажувати – перевантажувати); estimate – underestimate (оцінювати – недооцінювати).
Префікси з різними значеннями префікс/ значення / приклад a / not /aseptic
mid / half/ midway, middle
ab /away from / abnormal
mini / very small / miniskirt
anti /against /antifreeze
mis / wrong/ misunderstand
auto / self, alone / automobile
mono / one single/ monologue
bene/ good/ benefit
multi/ many / multinational
bi/ two. double / bicycle
biennial: a biennial event happens every two years
(parsley is a biennial plant,it stays alive for two years (it flowers the second year)
non/ not/ nonconformist
bio/ bio/ biology
over / too much/ overrun
cent/ hundred/ century
pan / all /pan-American
centi/ hundredth / centimeter
para/ beside, guard/ parallel
circum /around/ circumference
penta/ five/ pentagon
co/ with, together/ cooperate
per/ throughout/ perfect
com/ with / combine
poly/ many / polygon
con / with / connect
port/ carry/ portage
contra / against/ contradict
post / after /postgraduate
deci/ tenth / decimeter
pre / before/ prepare
deca/ ten /decagon
pro / forward/ progress
dia / through/ diagonal
quad/ four/ quadrilateral
quartet (four musicians)
quin /five
quintet (five performers)
sex/ six
(latin soul / salsa)
sept /seven
septet / Winton Marsalis trumpeter, composer (jazz and classical musician) ; September : the seventh month of the year in the Roman calendar which started in March.
octo / octa /eight/
octagon ;
an octogonal tower (Basilica of Saint Sernin, Toulouse) / October ;
octave C --------> C (eight notes)
dis/ apart/ dislocate
re/ again, back/ reconsider
eco /earth/ ecology
semi / half, partly /semidetached
equi/ equal / equilibrium
sub / below, under/ submarine
ex/ former/ ex-wife
super/ above/ superman
hemi/ half/ hemisphere
tele/ far/ television
hyper/ above, over/ hyperactive
trans / across, over/ transport
il/im / not/ illitarete
tri /three / triangle
tricycle (three wheels) ;
tripod (three legs);
a triceratops had three horns
in/ir / not / irresistible
ultra / beyond/ ultra light
inter/ between/ international
un/ not uncertain/ uneducated
magni / great, large / magnificent
under/ below / underused
mega / great /megaphone
uni/ one / universal
unicycle (one wheel)/
uniform (one form or shape)
micro / small / microscope
Виконайте вправи: Вправа1. Перекладіть слова з префіксами.1. subsoil, subdivision, subsoiler, subframe, submarine, subway, suburb,
2. transfer, transform, transformation, transmission, transmit, transparent, transportation.
3. inlet, input, insert, installation, insulation, indirect, illiterate.
4. rewrite, reconstruct, rebuild, react, restrict, remake.
Вправа 2. Вставте в речення слова за змістом.1.
Poseidon is the god of the sea in Greek mythology. When he was displeased he would throw down his (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran) and cause earthquakes.
The Dionne (born on May 28, 1934) were Canada's biggest (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran) tourist attraction from 1934 to 1943.
The golden lion is the prize awarded by the Venice (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran). It's a major contemporary art exhibition that takes place every two years(in odd years)
Like many other dinosaurs the coelophysis was a (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran) .
It walked on two feet.
This sign has the shape of an (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran) . It has eight sides and eight angles.
Sometimes corn means horn. An imaginary animal, like a white horse, with a long straight horn on its head is called a (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran).
It's a sea animal which has a soft body and eight arms. It is said to be more intelligent than any other invertebrate. Its name is (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran).
These six babies were born at the same time
and have the same mother, they are (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran).
A komodo dragon is a giant lizard. It has four limbs adapted for walking. It is a (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran).
This sailing boat is a (
biped; quintuplets; biennial; sextuplets; unicorn; trident; octagon; octopus; quadruped; trimaran) it has three hulls.
Перевірте тест on-line.
http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-32881.php Вправа 3. Перекладіть слова з префіксами dis-, over-. organize – disorganize; integrate – disintegrate; connect – disconnect;feed – overfeed;cool – overcool