Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23 Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 41Тема: Класифікація сільськогосподарських машин та сільськогосподарські роботи, які вони виконують. Комплекси з герундієм. Методичні рекомендації:1. Вивчіть нову лексику.
2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними.
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст “Agricultural Machinery and Farming Operations”.
4. Виконайте вправи на закріплення лексики.
5. Дайте відповіді на питання.
6. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал «Комплекси з герундієм» та виконайте вправи.
1. Вивчіть нову лексику. convenient [kənˈviːniənt] - зручний destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ] - знищувати feed [fiːd] - годувати, fertilizer [fətɪ’laɪzər] - добриво harrow [ˈhærou] - борона, боронувати layer [ˈleɪə(r)] - пласт livestock [ laɪv’stɔk] - домашня худоба loosen [ˈluzən] - послабляти manure [ məˈnjuər] - добрива spreader [‘spredə] - розкидач standpoint [ˈstændpɔint] - точка зору subsoil [sʌb’sɔɪl] - підґрунтя subsoiler [sʌb’soɪlə] - грунтозаглиблювач tiller [‘tilə] - грунтофреза vegetation [vedʒɪˈteɪʃən] - рослинність agricultural practices [ˌægrɪˈkʌltʃrəl ˈpræktəsɪz] - сільськогосподарські операції bed shaping - прокладання грядок from below - знизу weathering agents [ˈweðərɪŋ ˈeɪdʒənts] – погодні фактори power farming - механізоване сільське господарство 2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними. keep one’s nose to the grindstone - працювати без відпочинку
keep one’s word - дотримати слово (обіцянку)
keep oneself to oneself - бути замкнутою особою, любити самотність, сторонитись від людей
keep someone posted - тримати когось в курсі справ
keep something under wraps - тримати щось в таємниці
keep something quiet - замовчувати, тримати щось в таємниці
keep something under one’s hat - тримати щось в секреті
keep something /somebody at bay - триматись на відстані, не допускати до себе
keep you on your toes - бути напоготові
kick a/the habit - покинути погану звичку
1. If he keeps his nose to the grindstone he will get the promotion.
2. Anna said she would help me to fix my computer; I hope she will keep her word.
3. Sonia keeps herself to herself. She has no friends and rarely goes out.
4. Do us a favor please. Keep us posted about all the progress that is made on this info site.
5. Why do husbands keep their private affairs under wraps?
6. He has a new computer, but keep it quiet because she haven’t told her sister.
7. Dan kept the promise under the hat because he was very anxious not to be exposed.
8. Tommy is a loner type that keeps people at bay.
9. The lecturer constantly kept me on my toes by saying that an unexpected test might happen to me in the nearest future.
10. Angelina used to take drugs but she kicked the habit two years ago.
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст “Agricultural Machinery and Farming Operations” The systems of food and fiber production in agriculture are highly mechanized.
These mechanized systems extend from initial tillage of the soil through planting, agricultural practices during the growing season, protection from pests, harvesting, livestock feeding and delivery for process.
The tendency has been to larger self – propelled special – purpose machines; in tillage the tendency has been to large four-, six-, eightwheel or crawler tractors which trail high – capacity plows or discs and also subsoilers used to loosen compacted soils.
Farm machines have undergone changes and improvements to become the modern and effective agricultural power units of today. New developments have made them more efficient, versatile, safe, convenient and powerful. Continuous improvements in design produced highly mechanized machinery with a hydraulic linkage and control system.
While many implements such as plows, cultivators and fertilizer spreaders are usually mounted on tractors there are many that are too large and are trailed behind and controlled and operated hydraulically.
Some multipurpose machines are used where a high degree of precision is needed for precision tillage, planting, bed shaping and fertilizing.
They have to till the soil, form seed-beds, form irrigation furrows, either plant the seed or cultivate the crop and apply fertilizer in one pass through the field.
The use of aircraft has revolutionized many farming operations: fertilizers and herbicides are applied from the air.
Farming operations include plowing, harrowing, planting, tilling, harvesting, drying and processing crops. Soil preparation for planting usually involves plowing and harrowing. Plowing is often the most important farming operation, not only because of the basic nature of the work but also from the standpoint of power required. The essential feature f plowing by mouldboard is that a layer of soil is separated from the underlying subsoil and is turned, so that any vegetation or manure present on the surface is buried and a layer of soil from below is brought to the surface where it is exposed to the action of weathering agents and of agricultural implements. The harrowing of the plowed soil is designed to break clods, level the surface and destroy weeds. A wide variety of implements are classified as harrows, the most common kinds being the disc harrow, the spring tooth harrow, the spike – tooth harrow and the knife harrow. Previously, the function of seedbed preparation was performed entirely by the implements classified as harrows. With the introduction of power farming, it is now performed in large part by field cultivators, rotary tillers and various designs of rollers. Power – driven rotary tillers perform the function of both plowing and harrowing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p ... nysfJALj304. Виконайте вправи на закріплення лексики. Вправа 1. Складіть антонімічні пари: break, old, build, small, right, safe, danger, high, modern, behind, repair, in front of, often, wrong,destroy, seldom, big, low. Вправа 2. Складіть синонімічні пари: convenient, kind, sort, livestock, protection, to deliver, cozy, to supply, tracklayer, hydraulic, domestic animals, defense, essential, kind, important, crawler. Вправа 3. Вставте в речення слова за змістом. 1. Tractors are the piece of machinery most commonly involved in (sea; farm; air; water) accidents.
2. Roll-overs account for about half of all fatal tractor accidents and are responsible for many disabling injuries and considerable property ( damage; income; money; gift).
3. About 85% of (ship; bike; tractor; ski) upsets are side roll-overs; 14% are rear overturns, and 1% are front overturns.
4. Most overturn fatalities ( occur; read; write; earn) with tractors that are not equipped with Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS). Вправа 4. Прочитайте як студенти бачать трактори у майбутньому. Напишіть як ви власно представляєте собі трактор ХХІ століття.1Today the protection of the environment is a universal concern. More and more factories, cars, trucks add their bad breath to the air. And scientists are looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner. Cars are the world's biggest air polluters. But scientists are trying to invent cars that pollute less.
Farmers in Illinois in USA are trying a fuel in their tractors made from soybeans. And there are electric minivans being used in at least six U.S. cities.
We must be very active to create a serious system of ecological security. That is why we drea about a modem tractor, a cleaner machine of future. Our modem tractor will be fitted with the solar batteries. But in other respects the tractor has no any changes.
Our tractor having a mighty pulling power, can pass through any difficult ground and usually powered with a solar batteries. It is used to draw and work agricultural implements for ploughing, sowing, harvesting and a large variety of other jobs.
This tractor is also used to cut roads, dig ditches and pits, uproot etc. In addition to pulling implements like ploughs and cultivators, the tractor may be used with implements for bush - clearing, ditch - filling and land - leveling. It has a low centre of gravity to give stability and reduce the risk of over turning. Some people can ask: «Can this machine work at night or on overcast weather? » Yes of course. Our tractor has storage battery with reserve of solar energy. That is why, this machine can work at night or on overcast weather.
It will be automatical tractor, which is mounted with Diesel engine. This tractor is used to draw and work agricultural implement for ploughing, sowing, harvesting and a large variety of other jobs. The tractor is also used to cut roads, dig ditches and pits, uproot slumps etc. There is a winnower (віялки) complex in our machine.
Perhaps the most promising machine of the future is the agro - robot - the automatic plough - which might be a major step towards the "'push - button" farm of tomorrow. This unique ploughing unit permits the agriculturist to go to bed after pushing a button on the robot have a good night's rest, and wake up in the morning to see his land perfectly ploughed.
The main components of the agro - robot are a diesel engine mounted on two wheels, an oil hydraulic drive and operating device, two ploughing units, and two feelers. One of the wheels, the 'furrow wheel", is run in the furrow. Control is realized automatically through a specially designed spool - type control valve which starts and stops motion, steers, and reverses motion. When the agro - robot is in automatic operation the control valve is automatically actuated by a solenoid valve. 5. Дайте відповіді на питання: 1. What systems are highly mechanized in agriculture?
2. What are the results of new improvements and developments?
3. What implements are usually mounted on tractors?
4. What are the usual farming operations? 6. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал «Комплекси з герундієм» та виконайте вправи. Граматичний матеріал: «Комплекси з герундієм» Герундій, як інфінітив і дієприкметник, може утворювати синтаксичний комплекс, який виконує роль складного члена речення і рівноцінний підрядному реченню.Комплекс з герундієм складається з двох частин: перша частина комплексу — присвійний займенник або іменник у присвійному відмінку, який є означенням до герундія, друга — герундій. Excuse my interrupting you. (Пробачте, що я перебив вас). Would you mind my opening the window? (Ви не заперечуєте проти того, щоб я відчинив вікно?) Першою частиною герундіального комплексу може бути також особовий займенник в об'єктному відмінку або іменник у загальному відмінку. I don't like him coming here. (Порівняйте: I don't like his coming here.) Who told you of Ann being there? (Порівняйте: Who told you of Ann's being there?) Герундіальний комплекс виконує в реченні такі функції:1.складного прямого додатка; після дієслів to mind, to excuse, to forgive, to pardon, to understand герундій вживається, як правило, в комплексі: Do you mind my opening the window? You must forgive our coming late. Please excuse my disturbing you. 2. складного прийменникового додатка:Did your mother agree to your going on this trip? Do you object to my taking part in the competition? 3. складного означення:Is there any objection to my sitting here? I had no idea of your leaving tomorrow. 4. складного підмета:Your coming here always gives us much pleasure. Our going there now won't help much. 5. складної обставини (завжди з прийменником):I can never do anything without your (you) interfering. Виконайте граматичні вправи: Вправа 1. Перекладіть рідною мовою, вживаючи комплекс з герундієм.1. I have no idea of his leaving London.
2. His being invited to take part in this conference is natural.
3. The engineer told us about his having been invited to the research institute.
4. She did not object to my doing the room.
5. I understand your wishing to start the work at once.
6. I object to his being sent there.
7. I am surprised at their having lost the game.
8. They insisted on my taking part in the competition.
9. I enjoy her playing.
Вправа 2. З’ясуйте форму та функцію герундія в реченнях. Перекладіть рідною мовою.
1. Would you mind lending me 20 dollars?
2. Dick went on asking about friends.
3. What are you fond of doing?
4. I remember having seen this film.
5. He gave up smoking, didn't he?
6. Is it possible to learn English without working hard?
7. Mother is busy cooking dinner.
8. This TV set is worth buying.
9. I am proud of having been invited to the party.
10. The workers succeeded in completing the construction of the plant in time.
11. I remember climbing the Pyrenees for hours and hours when I was young.
12. I regret having told you that you were too weak to pass this exam.
13. David loves listening to classical concerts.