Заняття № 35Тема: Електричне обладнання тракторів і автомобілів. Вживання Participle IІ.Методичні рекомендації:1. Вивчіть нову лексику.
2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть лексику.
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст: “Electrical System of Tractors”.
4. Виконайте вправи на закріплення лексики.
5. Дайте відповіді на питання.
6. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "Automobile Electrical System".
7. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал "Вживання Participle II. Функції у реченні" та виконайте вправи. 1. Вивчіть нову лексику.return path [ri’tə:n ‘pa:θ] - зворотний шлях
power wire [‘pɑuə ‘wɑiə] - дріт живлення
ground cable [‘grɑuə ‘keibl] - кабель заземлення
strap [‘stræp] - ремінь
solenoid [‘sɔulinɔid] - соленоїд
relay coil [‘relei’kɔil] - котушка реле
can [‘kæn] - посудина, бідон, контейнер, каністра
maze [‘meiz] - плутанина, лабіринт
wire bundles [‘wɑiə bʌndlz] - пучки дротів
terminal screws [‘tə:minəl ‘skrju:] - гвинтові затискачі
switch [‘swiʧ] - перемикач
surge [sə: ʤ] - хвилі
wrap [‘ræp] - обгортка, загортати 2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть лексику. go to pieces - «розлітатись на куски», втрачати рівновагу / контроль
go to somebody’s head - запаморочити голову
go to the dogs - розоритись, «котитись у прірву», «вилетіти в трубу»
go to the wall - потерпіти невдачу, збанкрутувати, розоритись
go to waste - «йти коту під хвіст», бути даремно витраченим
go up in smoke - закінчитись нічим, лопнути як мильна бульбашка, розвіятись як дим
gold rush - «Золота лихоманка», нестримне прагнення до збагачення
good riddance to bad rubbish - «Баба з возу – коням легше», йди куди завгодно, забирайся
grasp the nettle - «Брати бика за роги», сміло (рішуче) братись за важку справу
greasy spoon- дешеве кафе / ресторан, «забігайлівка»
green with envy- «Зелений від заздрощів»
Вправа. 1. When we saw Bob walking with Penny we just went to pieces. We can’t understand how he could be unfaithful to us.
2. Fame and money went to her head and she left the country to become even more rich and famous.
3. His restaurant was going to the dogs; the food was awful and waiters lacked of good manners.
4. The unfair work of the candidates have led to the decrease in voting rates and also made many voters go to the wall.
5. All your attempts to save your marrige have gone to waste.
6. This research project was canceled, so five years of hard and long work went up in smoke.
7. Nowadays Internet marketing seems to be comparable to the real gold rush in California in 1850.
8. We saw you have departed with Bob and Dana. Well, good riddance to bad rubbish.
9. The government managed to grasp the nettle of falling economy growing unemployment. The new reforms are very effective.
10. It is a greasy spoon if a man have to drink booze with thugs and eat cheap food.
11. They will be green with envy when they see your new car!
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст: “Electrical System of Tractors” Electricity Basis On your tractor,
the electricity flows from the battery to the starter/ ignition/ lights/ etc. and back. The tractor uses the chassis as the return path. Your starter, ignition, and lights only have a single electrical line going to them. The electricity flows through the power wire, to the device, then down through the chassis, and finally back up to the battery via the ground cable/strap.
Major System The electrical system is made of several interconnected systems; the ignition system, the charging system, the starting system, and the accessories (lights). Each one of these systems is relatively simple – it is when they are interconnected that things tend to get confusing.
Starting System The starting system is the first part of the electrical system and is also one of the simplest.
Starting with the
battery, there is a large cable running from the negative terminal down to a small can called the
solenoid and into the other large cable on the other side of the solenoid is just a fancy name for a switch. When the solenoid is engaged, current flows from the battery, through the solenoid, and into the other large cable on the other side of the solenoid that goes to the starter. Since the starter case is
grounded to the chassis (like the battery), this completes the rest of the
circuit. Current flows and the starter turns. Pressing the starter button makes the solenoid engage (it allows current to flow through the relay coil in solenoid- that is a simply a small electromagnet that throws the starter switch. The relay coil gets power from the solenoid terminal that connects to the battery. The other end is connected to the starter switch, which completes the circuit to the ground when pressed. So, when the starter button is pressed, current can flow through the relay and the solenoid engages.
Ignition System The starter alone won’t get your tractor –
you need a spark .
Once again, we start with the battery. Power flows from the battery down to the solenoid.
There is one more wire coming from the battery side of the solenoid, this wire disappears into a maze of wire bundles and connectors. It goes to the ammeter and from there to a small plastic terminal block with two terminal screws. This terminal block has an “always – hot” terminal and a “switched “terminal. The always – hot terminal is always connected to the battery via coming from the solenoid. From the always – hot terminal a wire goes to the ignition switch, and then another wire goes over to the switched terminal. Thus the switched terminal only has power when the ignition switch is on. From the switched terminal, a wire runs down to the coil to power the ignition system.
The system that generates the spark is really two circuits; a primary (6V) circuit, and a secondary high voltage (~40,000V) circuit. The
coil is the component that converts the low voltage current into a high voltage surge to generate the spark. The coil is a metal core wrapped many times with wire. The
primary circuit has a hundred or so wraps. The
secondary circuit has thousands of wraps.
When current flows through the primary circuit it generates
a magnetic field in the coil. Conversely, the magnetic field induces a voltage in a secondary circuit. Because of the large number of wraps in the secondary circuit, the voltage is proportionally higher than the primary circuit – but not yet enough to generate a spark.
The coil has another unique electrical property; the magnetic field has “inertia”. Once it gets going, it doesn’t like to stop suddenly. The current flows out through the secondary coil wire to the distributor which directs it to the correct spark plug wire via the distributor rotor. Shortly thereafter, the points close again and the primary circuit is reenergized and the magnetic field is reestablished in the coil for the next spark. Capacitors have the ability to hold a voltage, sort of like a tiny battery.
Charging System The systems receive power from the battery, the battery alone cannot power the tractor indefinitely,
it needs a charging system. Power from the engine (via the belt/pulley) runs
the generator which generates an electric current. However, to provide the amount of charge that the battery needs, and no more, the generator is wired to a voltage regulator. One significant difference between the generator and an electric motor is the lack of permanent magnets in the generator.
In a generator, some of the current that is produced by the rotating windings is the generator (armature) is fed back into the outer stationary winding (field). This energizes the field making it act like a magnet. With the field energized, the armature produces voltage. As this voltage increases, so does the current to the field, which increases the strength of the field, which in turn increases the voltage.
When the generator voltage reaches a certain threshold, the voltage regulator cuts out the current going to the field which kills the magnetic field. This system is known as a “cut –out” regulator. By quickly switching on and off, the cut – out regulator prevents the generator from producing more voltage than the system can handle. The end result is that the regulated generator output is fed from the “battery” terminal of the voltage regulator to the always – hot side of the terminal block. The current that is not used directly by the tractor flows back into the battery by way of the ammeter, to battery – side terminal on the solenoid, and then to the battery. Ammeter reads only the current that is flowing into or out of the battery.
Accessories The final of electrical system are the accessories. For most old tractors, this simply means
lights , but a
radio, flasher, or other optional items could be added. The power for the accessories comes from the always – hot terminal on the terminal junction block. This allows the lights to work when the tractor is off. Like the other electrical systems, there is only one wire going to the lights. The return path for the current is through the chassis of the tractor. Unlike the starter and ignition, the lights are not directly mounted on the engine block – they have to rely on the electrical contact between the hood/fenders and the rest of the tractor.
4. Виконайте вправи на закріплення лексики. Вправа 1. Складіть антонімічні пари: positive, switch off, outside, dangerous, different, freezing, liquid, cold, push, switch on, negative, solid, simple, boiling, difficult, safety, inside, pull, the same, hot.
Вправа 2. Складіть синонімічні пари: to make up, old, obligatory, some, well-known, nobody, optional, to allow, force, to consist, to permit, folks,way, new, any, famous, people, no one, path, power.
Вправа 3. Знайдіть у тексті англійські еквіваленти українським словам. з’єднувати, основні системи, регулятор напруги, кнопка стартеру, зарядна система, додавати, шасі, виробляти електричний струм, кінцевий результат, електричний двигун, гвинтові затискачі, дріт живлення.
Вправа 4. Вставте в речення птрібні за змістом слова. 1.
Another word for 'car' is (
wagone; cartoon; automobile).
A person who fixes a car is a (
mechanic; jokey; carman).
3. At night, when you drive, you must switch on your (
lampers; rearlights; lights)/
When you make a turn, you must switch on your (
indicators; indication; turners).
Car fuel is called 'gas' in America and (
petrol; oil; water) in England.
Your car starts by using electric power from the (
energizer; fuel tank; battery).
When you drive, you hold the (
steers; steering wheel; phone)
When you add power to speed up, you change your (
gear; belt; wheel).
9. A car that has no gears is called an (
automatic; autocraft; autobahn).
The front and back parts of a car are the (
bumps; bumpies; bumpers).
5. Дайте відповіді на питання: 1. What is electrical system made up?
2. Are all systems important?
3. What are the accessories?
4. How does electricity flow on the tractors?
5. Why do you need a spark in ignition system?
6. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "Automobile Electrical System". Automobile electrical system has gradually evolved over the years and today it assimilates automatic computer control of the automotive mechanics. In the early days, automobiles electrical system comprised of only basic wiring technologies that were used for distributing power to other parts of a vehicle. It had only switches,
and controlled motors as its key components but today’s electrical system includes sensors,
actuators (датчик),
alternators (генератор змінного струму),
oxygen sensors (кисневі датчики),
starter solenoid,
starter drive,
high power electrical system and
other devices.
Components of Automobile Electrical SystemArmature Automobile Starting System Charging System Automobile Battery Automotive Computer Chips Spark Plugs Automobile Ignition System Automotive Electrical Wiring: Armature:Armature are the moving parts of an electric machine generally alternators, generator or motors of a vehicle, which vibrates when electromotive force is produced. The armature used in automobile comprises of
a series of coils ( ряд котушок) and groups of
insulated conductors (ізольовані провідники) circumscribed around a core of iron. Also known as the rotating part of a dynamo, armatures are generally fixed on ball bearings and are mostly made of copper wire coiled around an iron core.
The major functions of armature are: Firstly, to produce an electromotive force.
Secondly, to transmit current in a rotating machines and force in.
Automobile Battery: Automobile Battery refers to an electrochemical device comprising of primary and secondary cells that are used for transforming chemical energy into mechanical energy. Most of the vehicles today uses
‘lead acid’ batteries (свинцево-кислотні акумулятори). Batteries are mostly of two types i.e. non-rechargeable and rechargeable. Often called as disposable batteries, non-rechargeable batteries are used once and then dumped. While rechargeable batteries are those devices that can be easily recharged by applying electrical current that turns or reverses a chemical reaction.
A normal battery has an initial voltage of about 1.6 volts and produces between 500-1000 amps. The market size of automobile battery industry is worth US $ 48 billion a year. China, Hong Kong, United States, India and Taiwan are the major battery manufacturing countries on the global platform.
Classification of various components of a battery includes: Battery Boxes
Battery Cable Terminals
Battery Plates
Performance Batteries
Ground Straps
Battery Cable
Battery Control Systems
Battery Trays
Voltage Regulators
Battery Switches
Automobile Ignition System: Automobile Ignition System constitute of various devices, tools and components that are used for igniting the fuel in an internal combustion engine of a vehicle. In this system, electric current is used for burning the mixture of air and fuel with the help of coil, battery, and spark plug. Ignition system is assembled in only those automobile engines, which operates with the help of petrol or gasoline.
The two main functions of automobile ignition system are to produce enough voltage so that it can easily create a spark for burning air/fuel mixture and secondly it exercises control over the timing of spark and transmit it to the apt cylinder. A typical automobile ignition system produces voltage somewhere between 20000 volts and 50000 volts from a 12-volt source. Automobile ignition system can be further classified into three main heads such as mechanical ignition system, electronic ignition system and distributorless ignition system. Most of the vehicles today incorporate electronic ignition system in its engine.
Major Components used in automobile ignition systems are:
Coil Wires
Ignition Distributor
Ignition Coil Parts
Electronic Timing Controllers
Ignition Box
Ignition Switch
Ignition Coils
Ignition Controller
Automobile Starting System: Automobile Starting System is considered to be the heart of automobile electrical system. The starting system of an automobile includes those devices, which are used for initiating an engine of a vehicle. Once the key is put into the ignition switch then the current pass through battery cables to starter motor. After this, starter motor turn the engine and the downward moving piston create suction where air and fuel mixture is burned and then the engine starts.
The chief components of automobile starting system are: Starter
Starter Solenoid
Starter Drive
Bendix Drive Starter
Automotive Computer Chips: Automotive Computer Chips also known as super chip, automotive computer chips are basically the integrated circuits made of semi conducting material that are used for storing a new engine management program in the electronic control unit of the vehicle. These chips stores the data used by engine control unit, for managing and controlling the engine functions. Oxygen sensor is one of the types of automobile computer chips that form an important part of the engine fuel control feedback loop.
Automotive Computer Chips comprises of: Engine Management Systems
Oxygen Sensors
Sensor Ring
Other automobile computer chips include:
Power train control modules
Speedometer calibrators
Flip switches
Performance monitors
Performance chips
Top speed eliminators
Shift improvers
Automotive Electrical Wiring: The electrical wiring system of an automobile incorporate different types of devices, flexible electrical wires, electrical fuses, connectors, fuse blocks used for fastening one end of an automobile component to the power source device. These electrical wiring components are used for bearing mechanical loads and transmitting communication signals or electrical energy.
Apart from electrical wiring components mentioned above, there are other parts used in an automobile electrical system like:
Electrical Fuse
Electrical Switch Panels
Fuse Blocks
Shrink Sleeve Tubing
Wiring Harnesses
A/C Harness
Electrical Switches Parts
Electrical Fuse Holders
Electrical Switches
Relay Connectors
Wiring Connector
ElectricalSwitch Covers
Ground Straps
Charging System: The charging system of an automobile has three basic components such as alternator, regulator, and the interconnecting wiring. The main function of automobile charging system is to control and regulate the charge in the battery of a vehicle. Automobile charging system generally generates a voltage between 13.5 and 14.4 volts when the engine is working. It produces electrical current for operating automobile lights, music systems, heater, engine electrical system and other electrical components.
Other components of charging system of the vehicle are: Alternator
Automobile Generator
Alternator Parts
Alternator Bearing
Alternator Fans
Spark Plugs: A spark plug is a small electrical device that is implanted into internal combustion engine cylinder for burning the mixture of air and fuel. A typical spark plug consists of a center electrode,
metal casing (металевий корпус) and a ground electrode . These plugs are used in many machines such as trucks, buses, tractors, boats, aircraft, motorcycles, scooters, industrial and oil field engines, and oil burners. The basic raw materials used for manufacturing spark plugs are aluminum oxide, steel, silver, gold, platinum, copper and other high nickel alloys. These spark plugs are available in different configurations and heat ranges to adapt to any type of engine.
Other spark plug components are: Spark Plug Parts
Spark Plug Tools
Spark Plug Wires
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm0IheybeUU7. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал "Вживання Participle II. Функції у реченні" та виконайте вправи. Past Participle (Participle II) – Дієприкметник минулого часу. Past Participle (Participle II) має лише одну форму, перекладається як пасивний дієприкметник та має такі особливості написання. 1. Як правило, дієприкметники, утворені від правильних дієслів, мають закінчення
-ed. ( look — look
ed , call — called )
2. Якщо основа дієслова має закінчення -
е, до неї просто додають d. (hope — hop
3. Якщо дієслово закінчується на приголосний
+ у, то -у змінюється на
–i +ed. (hurr
y — hurr
ied , cop
y — cop
ied) 4.
Кінцева приголосна подвоюється, коли дієслово закінчується на приголосний, якому передує короткий наголошений голосний. ( beg — be
gged, plan — pla
Вживання: Як правило, Past Participle (Participle II) означає дію, що вже відбулася: (decorated room — прикрашена кімната; a written test — написана контрольна робота).
Так само як i Participle I, Participle II може позначати дію, одночасну з дією дієслова-присудка, та дію, незалежну від часу. У реченні Past Participle (Participle II) найчастіше буває означениям. (This is a well-known singer.— Це відомий співак. His father is a respected man.— Його батько — поважна людина.)
Функції в реченні:Participle II вживається в реченні в функції: 1)
означення: (The answer received from the sellers greatly surprised us. Відповідь, отримана від продавців, дуже здивувала нас.)
обставини часу зі сполучником when коли: (When asked about his plans, he didn't know what to say. Коли його запитали про плани, він не знав, що відповісти).
обставини умови зі сполучниками if якщо, якби;
unless якщо не: (Unless tested the machine must not be put into operation. Якщо машину не випробувано, її не можна есплуатувати).
обставини порівняння зі сполучниками
as if, as though наче ,ніби (Не shook his head as though lost in his thoughts. Він похитав головою, ніби замислившись).
5) обставини поступки зі сполучником
though хоч: (Though astonished by her behavior, I went on with my story. Хоч я і був вражений її поведінкою, я продовжив свою розповідь.)
частини складеного дієслівного присудка в часах групи Perfect і впасивному стані: (The cargo was delivered 10 days ago. Вантаж було доставлено 10 днів тому).
Виконайте граматичні вправи: Вправа1. Перекладіть на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на пасивне значення Participle II. Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter dated August 18th, and your interest in our A3 tractors. The A3 tractor indicated in your letter is not for export. We have prepared quotations on the new A4 tractor: see sale literature attached to the letter. The A4 is the latest and largest tractor in our agricultural range and we are sure that you will find it of interest. The best delivery promise we can quote is 20 weeks from receipt of a firm order placed by your company till the end of this month. Our pro forma invoice shows a value for spare parts, including those listed by you. We hope to mail the pro forma within three weeks
Yours faithfully, Black & Co
Вправа 2. Перекладіть на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на пасивне значення Participle II. 1.
Milk produced by this cow breed is of high quality.
2. The farming system used by farmers should provide the utilization of the land to its maximum capacity.
3. Profit obtained by the farms is used for the increase in the production.
4. Hand labour required for doing farm work has decreased.
5. The farmers engaged in poultry raising
produced much poultry meat last year.