Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23 Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 34Тема: Загальна будова автомобілів. Вживання Participle I. Функції у реченні.Методичні рекомендації:1. Вивчіть нову лексику.
2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними.
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст: “General Structure of Automobiles”.
4. Виконайте лексичні вправи.
5. Дайте відповіді на питання.
6. Виконайте вправу на знання дорожних знаків.
7. Вивчіть лексику, подивіться відео по темі "On the road" та виконайте вправу.
8. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал « Вживання Participle I. Функції у реченні» та виконайте вправи. 1. Вивчіть нову лексику. human circulatory system [‘hju:mən ,sə k ju’leitəri ‘sistəm]- людська система кровообігу comprise [kəm’praiz] - включати coolant fluid [‘ku:lənt ‘flu:id] - охолоджуюча рідина suspension system [səs’penʃ(ə)n ‘sistəm] - система підвіски braking system [ˈbreɪkɪŋ ˈsɪstəm] - гальмівна система body - кузов to interact [,intər ’ækt]- взаємодіяти to support [‘səpɔ:t] - підтримувати be capable [ bi:‘keipəbl] - могти, бути здібним enhanced steering [in’ha:ns ‘stiəriŋ] – управління рулем (розширене) front-wheel drive [frʌnt wi:l ˈdraɪv] - передній rear-wheel-drive [ ‘rɛə wi:l ˈdraɪv] - задній tissue [‘tiʃu:] - тканина to spin a shaft - обертати вал alternator [‘ɔ:ltəneitə] - генератор змінного струму muffler [‘mʌflə] - глушитель 2. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними. give-and-take - компроміс, обмін люб’язностями
gnash your teeth - скреготати (скрипіти) зубами
go for a song - нічого не коштує, йти за безцінь
go off on a tangent - pізко змінити тему, раптово відхилитись
go off the air - припинити передачу (зв’язок)
go out on a limb - ризикувати
go round in circles - топтатись на місці, ходити по колу
go straight to the point - перейти відразу до суті
go through the motions - робити вигляд, прикидатися
go to bat for someone- захищати, заступатись за когось, самовіддано допомагати Вправа:1. If you want to keep your marriage strong and healthy you have to constantly inject give-and-take strategies into it.
2. Annabelle gnashed her teeth with anger because she didn’t get what she wanted.
3. He sold his motorbike for a song because he wanted to move out from here as quickly as possible.
4. I was a person who was easily upset by uncomfortable issues. But I quickly worked out strategy and went off on a tangent in such tough situations.
5. The most popular radio program went off the air because of the scandalous announcer.
6. By acting like this he go out on a limb. Just remember that we are not going to support him if anything bad happens to him.
7. Is he going to go round in circles or finally to help me?
8. Be specific and go straight to the point!
9. Thomas was long going through the motions of going to college but it didn’t work out. Last Tuesday he was expelled from college for his absence.
10. Personally I can see no reason why we should go to bat for Molly. If she is so much against going to work, why not to remove her? 3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст: “General Structure of Automobiles” Automobile - Structure of the Automobile Thousands of individual parts make up the modern automobile. Much like the human body, these parts are arranged into several semi-independent systems, each with a different function.
For example, the human circulatory system comprises
the heart,
blood vessels, and
The automobile contains analogous
circulatory systems for coolant fluid (mostly water),
for lubricating oil, and
for fuel.
The engine—the "heart" of the automobile—is comprised of
tubes to deliver fuel to the cylinders, and
other components.
Each system is necessary for making the automobile run and reducing noise shhh! and pollution. The major systems of an automobile are the engine, fuel system, transmission, electrical system, cooling and lubrication system, and the chassis, which includes the suspension system,braking system, wheels and tyres, and the body.
These systems will be found in every form of motor vehicle and are designed to interact with and support each other. Automobile - Design Factors When an automobile is designed, the arrangement, choice, and type of components depend on various factors.
The use of the automobile is one factor. Some cars are required only for local driving; these cars may be capable of achieving good fuel economy on short trips, but they may be less comfortable to drive at high speeds. A sports car, built for speed, will have enhanced steering and handling abilities, but requires a stronger engine, more fuel, and a more sophisticated suspension system. Yet, an automobile must also be flexible enough to perform in every situation and use.
Other factors in the design of automobiles include the requirements for pollution-control components that have been placed on the modern automobile.
Safety features are also a factor in the automobile's design, affecting everything from the braking and steering systems to the materials used to construct the body.
The design of the body must incorporate standards of safety, size and weight, aerodynamics or ways to reduce the friction of airflow, and appearance.
The choice of front-wheel drive allows for a smaller, more fuel-efficient car. But the arrangement of the engine and its relationship to other automobile systems will be different from a rear-wheel-drive car. Independent suspension for all four wheels improves the automobile's handling, safety, and comfort, but requires a more complex arrangement. The use of computer technology, the most recently added system to the automobile, requires changes in many of the car's other systems.
Lastly, cost is an important factor in the design of a car. Many features useful for improving the various systems and characteristics of an automobile may make it too costly to produce and too expensive for many people to buy. The design of an automobile, therefore, is a balance of many factors. Each must be taken into consideration, and compromises among features satisfy as many factors as possible. Yet, for all the variety among automobiles, the basic systems remain essentially the same.
Automobile – Interaction of Systems
Before examining the components of each system, it is useful to understand how the systems interact. The human body is again a good example of the interaction of systems. The heart pumps blood, which feeds the tissues of the body while at the same time helping to remove impurities. The tissues, fed by blood, are able to perform their tasks, and often are required to sup-port the action of the heart. Muscle tissue, for example, depends on the availability of oxygen-rich blood from the heart in order to move the body.
The internal combustion engine is the heart of the automobile. The engine produces energy from fuel and converts that energy into the power to move the differrent components that will move the car. The engine converts the chemical energy produced by the burning of the fuel into mechanical energy. This energy is used to spin a shaft. The spinning shaft, through the interaction of the transmission and other components, causes the wheels to turn and the car to move. A similar transfer of energy to motion can be seen when bicycling. The up and down motion of the feet and legs is converted to the turning motion of the pedals, which in turn pulls the chain that causes the rear wheel to spin.
Just as it is more difficult to pedal a bicycle from a standstill than it is while already rolling, the engine requires the electrical system to give it the push to move on its own.
The electric starter motor of an automobile provides a powerful force to give the engine its initial movement. The battery supplies energy for the engine to use when burning the fuel needed to make it run. The alternator is driven by a belt attached to the engine, recharging the battery so there will be a constant supply of energy. The sensors of the computer control system, which governs many of the processes in an automobile, also require electricity.
The burning of fuel is : twisted: a hot, noisy process that also produces pollutants in the form of exhaust.
This exhaust must be carried away from the engine and away from the automobile. The exhaust system, with its muffler, also acts to reduce the noise produced by the vehicle. Burning fuel in the cylinders produces two other results: friction and extremely high temperatures In order to protect the parts from being worn down from the friction and from melting with the heat, they must be properly lubricated and cooled. These systems depend on the engine and the electrical system for the power to perform their tasks.
The engine's power is used to turn the automobile's wheels. Because the tyres are the only parts of the automobile that are actually in contact with the road, they must rest on a system of supports that will carry the weight of the car and respond to conditions of the road surface.
At the same time, the driver must be capable of guiding the direction of the automobile. Once an automobile is moving, it will continue to move until some sort of friction, the brake, is applied to stop it. The wheels, suspension, steering, and braking systems are all attached to the car's chassis, as is the rest of the automobile.
The chassis and body, analogous to the skeletal structure in the human body, provide support for all the various systems and components, while also providing safety, comfort, and protection from the elements for the automobile's passengers. 4. Виконайте лексичні вправи. Вправа 1. Складіть антонімічні пари: weak, modern, bottom, expensive, cool, urban, old, rural, strong, intake, useless, exhaust, useful, powerful, thick, deteriorate, powerless, top, cheap, hot, open, improve, thin, close. Вправа 2. Складіть синонімічні пари: convenient, can, passenger, comfort, design, must,comfortable, various, free, elements, different, to be able, construction, to have to, parts, sitter, convenience, independent. 5. Дайте відповіді на питання. 1. What makes up the modern automobile?
2. What is the «heart” of the automobile?
3. What are major systems of an automobile?
4. Do the systems interact with each other? 6. Виконайте вправу на знання дорожних знаків. 1. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).2. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).3. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).4. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).5. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).6. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).7. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).8. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).9. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).10. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).11. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give way; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).12. (Maximum speed limited; Roadworks; Two-way traffic straight ahead; Ahead only; Traffic signals; No right turn; Stop; No left turn; Give away; No U-turns; Crossroads; No overtaking).7. Вивчіть лексику, подивіться відео по темі "On the road" та виконайте вправу.On the road https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p ... jvJqVyZyWM On the roadRoad Main road
A road
B road
One-way street
Main street
Road map Pavement
Pedestrian crossing / zebra crossing
Central reservation
Bend(parking) meter
Road sign
Stop sign
Traffic lights
Level crossing
Service area
Toll (GB)/Turnpike(US)
Traffic jamTo drive
To start up
To speed up
To slow down
To change down
To stopВправа. Вставте потрібне за змістом слово. 1. The (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout) is red, I must stop my car.
2. In order to cross the street you'd better use the (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout)
3. Do you have some cash? We are arriving at the (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout) .
4. The (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout) is closed, the train is not far from here.
5. The (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout) of this village is a pedestrian one.
6. On the (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout) you will take the first right road, I'll be there waiting for you.
7. Could you show me the right way on the (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout) , please ?
8. Sorry I am late, I was stuck in a (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout).
9. Take care! the snow makes the (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout) slippery.
10. I found my car back in the pound, I forgot to put some money in the (pavement; main street; zebra crossing; road map; toll/turnpike; traffic jam; traffic light; parking meter; level crossing; roundabout). 8. Прочитайте граматичний матеріал « Вживання Participle I. Функції у реченні» та виконайте вправи.Present Participle не має певного часового значення і виражає різні часові відношення залежно від контексту і значення дієслова, від якого утворено дієприкметник.
Reading English books І write out new words. Читаючи англійські книжки, я виписую нові слова.
Reading English books I wrote out new words. Читаючи англійські книжки, я виписував нові слова.
Reading English books I'll write out new words. Читаючи англійські книжки, я виписуватиму нові слова.
a) Present Participle вживається для позначення дії, одночасної з дією, вираженою дієсловом-присудком речення. Залежно від часу дієслова-присудка Present Participle може відноситись до теперішнього, минулого або майбутнього часу:
У першому з цих речень reading відноситься до теперішнього часу, в другому — до минулого, а в третьому — до майбутнього.
б) Present Participle може виражати дію, що відноситься до теперішнього часу, незалежно від часу дії, вираженої дієсловом-присудком речення: The students working in our village came from Kiev. Студенти, що працюють у нашому селі, прибули з Києва. Хоч дієслово-присудок цього речення стоїть у минулому часі, Present Participle виражає дію, що відноситься до теперішнього часу.
в) Present Participle Indefinite може вживатися безвідносно до якогось часу: The bisector is a straight line dividing an angle into two equal parts. Бісектриса — це пряма лінія, що поділяє кут на дві рівні частини.
г) Present Participle може виражати дію, що передує дії, вираженій присудком, якщо обидві дії відбуваються безпосередньо одна за одною. У такому значенні часто трапляється Present Participle дієслів to enter входити; to open відчиняти; to close закривати; to arrive прибувати; to see бачити; to hear чути та ін.:
Entering his room, he went quickly to the other door. Увійшовши в свою кімнату, він швидко пішов до інших дверей.
Dressing myself as quickly as I could I went for а walk. Одягнувшись якомога швидше, я пішов на прогулянку.
У такому разі Present Participle перекладається на українську мову дієприслівником доконаного виду. Perfect Participle виражає дію, що передує дії, вираженій дієсловом-присудком.
Perfect Participle відповідає українському дієприслівнику доконаного виду:
Having said this, they stopped speaking. - Сказавши це, вони припинили розмову.
Present Participle Active вживається тоді, коли іменник або займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає суб'єкт вираженої ним дії. Weeping she walked back to the house. - Плачучи, вона повернулася в будинок. Having opened my window, I went downstairs. - Відчинивши вікно, я зійшла вниз.
Present Participle Passive вживається тоді, коли іменник або займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає об'єкт вираженої ним дії:
Being invited to an evening-party she couldn't go to the theatre. Оскільки її запросили на вечір, вона не могла піти в театр. Having been packed, the parcel was taken to the post office. Після того як посилку запакували, її віднесли на пошту.
Виконайте граматичні вправи:
Вправа 1. Перекладіть речення з дієприкметниками:
1. The girl standing at the bus is my sister.
2. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t rich him.
3. He sat in the tractor’s cabin thinking.
4. She came up to us bringing the book on mechanics.
5. The hall was full of laughing people.
6. The singing girl was about fourteen.
7. Having repaired the cooling system of the car I began testing it.
8. The large building being built in our street is a new workshop.
9. Having finished the experiment the students left the laboratory.
10. Stop throwing stones at the birds!
11. The woodcutter is chopping blocks of wood.
Вправа 2. Перекладіть речення з дієприкметниками:
1.Обговорюючи машини, ми звертали увагу на їхню будову.
2. Чоловік, що стоїть біля гусеничного трактору, наш новий викладач з агрономії.
3. Усі подивилися на працюючий двигун.
4.Небезпечно рухатися біля трактора, який працює на великій швидкості.
5. Обговорюючи галузі сільського господарства, ми поділяємо їх на рослинництво і тваринництво.