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Поточний час: 15 січ 2025, 07:02

Часовий пояс: UTC + 2 години

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Автор Повідомлення
 Заголовок повідомлення: Заняття № 40
ПовідомленняДодано: 27 груд 2014, 21:29 

Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23
Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 40

Тема: Складання резюме.

Методичні вказівки:

1. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними.

2. Вивчіть нову лексику.

3. Прочитайте та перекладіть основні вимоги щодо написання резюме.

4. Прочитайте та запам'ятайте лексику до теми "Resume". Виконайте лексичні вправи.

5. Подивіться зразок заповнення резюме по спеціальності "Аutomotive mechanic".

6. Підберіть до назв професій їх опис.

7. Напишіть із даних літер назви професій.

8. Виберіть у дужках назву професії, яка відповідає змісту речення.

1. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними.

:arrow: 1. dead easy - «як два пальці об асфальт», «раз плюнути» (дуже легко)


:arrow: 2. dead on time - пунктуально


:arrow: 3. dead-end relationship - безнадійний зв’язок

:arrow: 4. do a number on smb- - нашкодити комусь

:arrow: 5. do time - відбувати тюремне ув’язнення


:arrow: 6. dog tired - бути дуже змученим


:arrow: 7. dog’s life - «cобаче життя» (важке життя)


:arrow: 8. donkey’s years - «100 років тому назад» (дуже давно) або дуже довго


:arrow: 9. drop a brick - допустити безтактність

:arrow: 10. drop in the ocean - краплина в морі


Перекладіть речення з ідіомами:

1. This work was dead easy, that’s why Mike handled it in no time.

2. We should be expecting you working dead on time.

3. I think this relationship is dead-end and it will not survive even until next month.

4. He did a number on me when I bought this bike. It doesn’t work at all.

5. Ted’s friends are doing time for trafficking drugs.

6. Give him rest, please, can’t you see he is dog tired after exams?

7. If you want to get to know someday a dog’s life, play truent at technical school and begin to detrain railway carriage instead of study. Зображення

8. Having spent donkey’s years in this college building Maggie decided to become a free woman at last.

9. We dropped a brick when we told that we don’t like our boss. When we noticed that he was standing behind us, we could only apologize for our tactless remark.

10. Her two hundred euros are like drop in the ocean. It will not buy her mother’s health.

2. Вивчіть нову лексику.

tend to - як правило

job market - ринок праці

to stand out - виділитися

clear - зрозумілий

to space out
- для розміщення

to condense - стисло висловлювати

skim read - побіжно переглядають

important to mention - важливо відзначити

insight into - розуміння

present post - займана посада

previous employment - попередня зайнятості

voluntary work - добровільна робота

driving licence - водійські права

to hire - найняти

3. Прочитайте та перекладіть основні вимоги щодо написання резюме.

How to write a resume in English


Nowadays, employers tend to receive thousands of applications for a job as soon as it is advertised on the job market.

:( Therefore it is vital that your letter should stand out from the thousands of CVs and letters that people are going to send.

:arrow: The first impression is always the most important one, therefore you need a good and well- structured CV in order to attract the employers' attention. Here are a couple of tips about how to write a good CV when applying for a job in the UK or in Ireland.


An employer has very little time to spend on your application. The most important thing is that your CV is clear. Your CV has to be word processed.

It immediately shows that you can work on word processors. The CV should be between one or two pages long. Don't be scared to space it out, never condense everything onto one page otherwise it will look messy. Since most employers have very little time to spend on each CV, they tend to skim read what you have written.

:arrow: It is therefore better to start by what is most important and work your way downwards from what is important to what is not so vital.

ЗображенняThe structure of a CV must follow a certain order.


1. Personal data

:arrow: First of all, you have got to introduce yourself: full name, address, date of birth.

:arrow: If you want, you can add your phone number, marital status and nationality.

Even if this is not compulsory, this might be important for the type of job for which you are applying. For example, if you are applying to an international company that requires knowledge of a language as a native tongue then it might be useful to mention your nationality. If there is anything that you would feel that is important to mention, you can do it here.



2. Education and qualifications

:arrow: This part of the CV is one of the most important because it gives the employer an insight into who you are, through your academic career.

:arrow: The trickiest part of mentioning qualifications is to try and find the equivalent in English.

:? This is not always easy as the diplomas in the education system vary from country to country. The best thing to do is to write the original name of your qualification along with the equivalents in English in brackets. Grades can also be a problem.


3. Work experience

:arrow: This section can be divided in various sub-sections especially if you have got a lot of experience (present post, previous employment, voluntary work).

:arrow: Don't be afraid to describe the tasks that you had to do in your different jobs, especially if these are relevant to the job that you are applying for.


4. Skills

:arrow: In this section, you can put down all the practical things that you can do that might be useful for the job: driving licence (always say clean driving licence), knowledge of languages and computer software.


5. Interests

:arrow: Of course, the employer is not going to hire you because you have the same hobbies as him/her but this section helps him/her get a better idea of what kind of person you are. However, you should remain brief.


6. References

:arrow: It always looks good to put down the names of two people who have agreed to provide references. Ideally, one should be academic and the other from one of your previous job(s). Always give the name and title of your referee.

4. Прочитайте та запам'ятайте лексику до теми "Resume". Виконайте лексичні вправи.



Civil status

:arrow: Name + first name

:arrow: Sex (female – male)

:arrow: Date of birth

:arrow: Address

:arrow: Telephone

:arrow: Education and training

:arrow: Professional experience

:arrow: Interests

:arrow: Activities

:arrow: Extracurricular activities (факультативна діяльність)

:arrow: Additional information

:arrow: Miscellaneous (різне)

:arrow: References



A career / A line of work

:arrow: A trade / job

:arrow: experience

:arrow: To be responsible for…, in charge of…

:arrow: To reach the position of …

:arrow: Temporary work

:arrow: To work part-time

:arrow: To work half-time

:arrow: Full time work

:arrow: Summer job

:arrow: Odd jobs (випадкові роботи)

:arrow: Training session

:arrow: Internship

:arrow: Personal training

:arrow: Economic lay off (економічні звільнення)

:arrow: Unemployment


To apply for a job

:arrow: Recruitement interview

:arrow: To fit the job

:arrow: An applicant

:arrow: An application

:arrow: To be experienced

:arrow: Skills (level of proficiency)

:arrow: My expectations (плани на майбутнє)


:arrow: Experience (strong … in)

:arrow: Be familiar with

:arrow: To show ability / to be able to

:arrow: Make decisions

:arrow: To be reliable

:arrow: Motivated (strongly ...)

:arrow: To show initiative

:arrow: To commit oneself to… (скомпрометувати себе)

:arrow: A keen interest in (жвавий інтерес)

:arrow: To be willing to travel

:arrow: To be able to relate well with people (бути здатним мати хороші відношення з людьми)

:arrow: Good skills at English both written and oral

:arrow: Good knowledge of English


Salary / wages

:arrow: Present salary (par an)

:arrow: Well-paid

:arrow: Badly-paid

:arrow: Underpaid


:arrow: A manager

:arrow: An employer (роботодавець)

:arrow: An executive (фахівець; виконавець)

:arrow: A supervisor (керівник)

:arrow: An employee (робітник)

:arrow: A temporary worker/employee

:arrow: A worker / a blue-collar ("сині комірці")

:arrow: A trainee (стажер)


:arrow: Dear Sir or Madam

:arrow: To Whom It May Concern …

:arrow: I am writing to you about your advertisement.

:arrow: I am writing to you to apply for the position of....

:arrow: I am writing to you in reference to your advertisement.

:arrow: As indicated in your advertisement…

:arrow: Your advertisement in (source) for the position of ( job) sparked my interest.

:arrow: I have worked as a ... (/in) ….

:arrow: In my current position I have worked … developed... created …

:arrow: I would define myself as a …..

:arrow: I believe it is time for me to move to another company / department ... like yours

:arrow: I believe my qualifications would match your requirements.

:arrow: I am available for an interview.

:arrow: Please find my résumé enclosed.

:arrow: I am sending my résumé as an attachment.

:arrow: I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. / sincerely yours; yours faithfully. / …

Working conditions or Work conditions



:arrow: To work

:arrow: To commute (замінювати)

:arrow: To clock in /out ( години роботи з... до...)


:arrow: To transfer

:arrow: To make redundant (зробити надмірним)

:arrow: To dismiss (звільняти)

:arrow: To fire, to sack (звільнити)

:arrow: To resign (йти у відставку)

:arrow: To join a union (вступити до профспілки)

:arrow: To come to an agreement (прийти до угоди)

:arrow: To resume work (підсумкова робота)

:arrow: To carry out tasks

:arrow: To promote

:arrow: to have a balanced life



:arrow: A pay slip ("Розрахунковий листок")

:arrow: A workaholic

:arrow: Efficiency bonus

:arrow: Vocational training

:arrow: Sick / Maternity leave (лікарняний/декретна відпустка)

:arrow: Paid holidays

:arrow: Bank holiday

:arrow: TUC = Trade Union Congress

:arrow: Occupational disease (професійне захворювання)

:arrow: labour

:arrow: overtime

:arrow: schedules

:arrow: workload (навантаження)

:arrow: Safety regulations

:arrow: absenteeism

:arrow: A 35-hour-working week

:arrow: A demo, a demonstration



:arrow: overworked

:arrow: Overstaffed / understaffed

:arrow: underpaid

:arrow: average

:arrow: Compulsory / optional

:arrow: subsidized

:arrow: competitive

Вправа 1. Вставте слова у речення.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) in 'The Time news' for the (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) as a teacher sparked my interest.

Please find the details of my (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) for the position in the enclosed (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) and let me briefly explain how I can contribute to your department.

With over 15 years of (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) in teaching English and French in Paris, Norwich and Inverness, I believe my qualifications would match your (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position). In my (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) position I manage a team whose main purpose is to find the best way to teach different languages to young pupils. My (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) and the students' parents have recognized that I have found an easy method which develops my students' skills.

I would (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) myself as serious and dynamic, I am able to (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) well to people and believe it is time for me to move to a university like yours in order to pursue my teaching career and to bring my best to your students.

If you are (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) or if you have any questions I am (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) for a recruitment (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position). I thank you for taking the time to (resume; relate; interview; interested; define; experience; superiors; available; advertisement; consider; requirements; application; current; position) my résumé and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully.

Bridget Smith.

Перевірте тест online


Вправа 2. Вставте слова у речення.

1. John works 70 hours a week, he's totally ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .

2. ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .
... can take a long time and be very exhausting.

3. After a long strike, the workers ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .
last week.

4. John is a ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .
: he never stops working !

5. Jane is not here: she's on ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .
, her baby is due next month.

6. The TUC protested against unpaid ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .

7. ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .
are the days when the company pays you, but you are not required to work.

8. Paul's company is ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .
: there are not enough employees to do all the work.

9. Breaking your leg in your office is not considered as an ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime) .

10. Workers ( clock in; commuting; resumed work; understaffed; workaholic; paid holidays; overworked; maternity leave; occupational disease; overtime)
at 7.30 in the morning.

5. Подивіться зразок заповнення резюме по спеціальності "Аutomotive mechanic".

Michael Vance
188 Coldspring Rd.
Aurora, CO 80015
(418) 555-5871


A challenging and rewarding position as an automotive mechanic with supervisory responsibilities.


1998 - Present Benson Motors Aurora, CO
Head mechanic responsible for supervising a shop of 12 mechanics and 3 trainees. Duties include diagnosis and repair of all types of vehicles as well as instructional work with trainee mechanics

1994 - 1998 Dawson Motors Denver, CO
Floor mechanic specializing in transmission and brake system repair.

1992 - 1994 Cook's Automotive Denver, CO
Trainee Mechanic
Working through rotation of all branches of auto diagnosis and repair.


Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) rated Master Mechanic, March, 1993. Recertified 1998.


1992 Associate Degree, Automotive Repair, Bloomfield Community College, Boulder, CO
1990 Chambersburg Senior High School, Chambersburg, CO

6. Підберіть до назв професій їх опис.


:arrow: 1.Translator -

:arrow: 2. Traffic warden Зображення -

:arrow: 3. Travel agent -

:arrow: 4. Veterinary doctor (Vet) Зображення -

:arrow: 5. Waiter/Waitress -

:arrow: 6. Window cleaner Зображення


1. a person that organises and sells holidays and flights for others.

2. a qualified person that looks after sick animals.

3. a person that translates from one language to another.

4. a person that patrols areas to check that people do not park in the wrong place.

5. a person that works in a food outlet, looking after customers and serving food.

6. a person that cleans windows, normally the windows of big buildings.

7. Напишіть із даних літер назви професій.

1.Зображення ( R C E E A R S T Y)

2. Зображення ( R C H C T A E T I)

3. Зображення ( S V B I R U E D R) (2 words - Space)

4. Зображення ( T S E S R C A)

5. Зображення ( A P I L C M O N E)

6.Зображення ( C E T E A H R)

7. Зображення ( E S N U R)

8. Зображення ( C O T R O D)

9. Зображення ( S I G R N E)

8. Виберіть у дужках назву професії, яка відповідає змісту речення.

1. ЗображенняHe teaches a lot of things to students. He is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

2. Зображення He changes and repairs locks. This is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

3. Зображення He makes tableaux with paint. This is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

4. Зображення He sells houses and properties; he is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

5. Зображення He cuts and sells meat ; he is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

6. Зображення He makes people laugh and generally works in a circus. This is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

7. Зображення He treats animals, we can say that he is a doctor for animals. He is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

8. Зображення His work consists in forging iron. This is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

9.Зображення He tries to solve murders, Sherlock Holmes is the most famous one.This is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

10. Зображення He cuts wood with a saw or an ax. This is the (blacksmith; woodcutter; detective; locksmith; veterinarian; estate agent; painter; teacher; butcher; clown).

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