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Поточний час: 15 січ 2025, 07:45

Часовий пояс: UTC + 2 години

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 Заголовок повідомлення: Заняття № 39
ПовідомленняДодано: 03 січ 2015, 23:58 

Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23
Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 39

Тема: Туризм. Розвиток масового туризму. Актив та пасив.

Методичні рекомендації:

1. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними.

2. Вивчіть нову лексику (дані синоніми).

3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "Tourism"

4. Знайдіть у розділі Б англійські еквіваленти до українських слів із розділу А.

5. Вставте в речення необхідну лексику.

6. Прочитайте текст "Mass Tourism", подивіться відео та виконайте завдання на розуміння текста on-line.

7. Запам'ятайте англійські прислів'я до теми "Travelling"

8. Виконайте вправи на вживання активу і пасиву.

1. Вивчіть англійські ідіоми та перекладіть речення з ними.

Зображення eat like a pig

:arrow: ease one’s mind - заспокоювати когось

:arrow: easier said than done - легше сказати, ніж зробити


:arrow: easy come easy go - легко прийшло, легко пішло


:arrow: eat humble pie - покоритись (змиритись, принизитись тощо)


:arrow: eat like a horse - їсти як кінь (дуже багато їсти)



:arrow: eat one’s words - забрати слова назад


:arrow: еgg on your face - дурний вираз обличчя


Вправа. Перекладіть речення з ідіомами.

1. Kate couldn’t ease her mind after not passing the exam.

2. Like with most things in our life, similarly in your case it’s easier said than done.

3. Last Sunday Tina got from her uncle 500$ and on the next day she spent it on trifles. As we say “easy come easy go".

4. Bobby had to eat humble pie in front of his class last week.

5. A new Prime Minister in our Government went too far in yesterday’s speech. I think that public opinion must force him to eat his words!

6. Some people rejected offers made by our company last month, so they must be left with a little bit of egg on their face now, to see the popularity our products enjoy today.

2. Вивчіть нову лексику (зверніть увагу на синоніми).

accommodation [ əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn ] = place to stay when on holidays - житло, розміщення

afford = to have enough money to buy something - дозволити собі, бути спроможним

agency = organization - агенція

alpine resort = holiday town in the mountains - гірськолижний курорт


altitude [ ˈæl.tɪ.tjuːd ] = height - висота

ancient [ ˈeɪnʃənt ] = old - стародавнний


attract = make people go to a place - приваблювати

authorities [ ɔːˈθɒr.ɪ.ti ] = organizations in the government - адміністрація, органи влади

avoid = keep away from - уникати

bank = land on the side of a river - берег

breeze = gentle, soft wind - бриз

capable [ ˈkeɪpəbl ] = able to - здатний

century = a hundred years - століття

decade [ ˈdekeɪd ] = a period of ten years -десятиліття

dental treatment = to have your teeth fixed - лікування зубів

destination = place that you are going to - пункт призначення

drawback = bad times - недолік, повернення мита, перешкода

embark [ ɪmˈbɑːk ] = go on - сідати на пароплав


emerge [ iˈmɜːdʒ ] = come up - з'являтися, спливати

empire [ ˈempaɪə(r) ] = kingdom; many countries with one ruler - імперія

endangered [ ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒəd ] = in danger of dying out - перебувають під загрозою зникнення

environment [ ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt ] = the world around us - навколишнє оточення


exchange student = young person who goes to another country to study - студент по обміну

foreign currency = money that other countries use - іноземна валюта

global = worldwide -глобальний

heal = cure - зцілювати

host = here: the country that you go to - господар

however [ haʊˈevə(r) ] = but -проте

including = also - у тому числі

invention = something new, that is produced for the first time - винахід

jumbo jet = very large plane for carrying passengers - реактивний лайнер

landmark = something that is famous in a city or other area - пам'ятка

lifestyle = the way you lead your life - спосіб життя

otherwise = normally - в іншому випадку

package tour = package holiday - турпакет

pilgrimage [ ˈpɪl.ɡrɪ.mɪdʒ ] = journey to a holy place for religious reasons -паломництво

plastic surgery = operation that changes a person’s face or body and makes them look better - пластична хірургія

pleasure = happiness, delight - задоволення

pollute = make dirty- забруднювати

previous [ ˈpriːviəs ] = earlier - попередній

relax = rest - відпочинок


remote [ rɪˈməʊt ] = distant, isolated - віддалений

rental car = a car that you can use for a certain time - прокат автомобілів

require [ rɪˈkwaɪə(r) ] = have to - потрібно

security [ sɪˈkjʊərəti ] = safety - безпека


service = here: trip - послуга

site = location - місцеперебування

source of income = from where you get money - джерело доходу

spa = place where the water has special minerals in it and where people go to in order to improve their health - курорт з мінеральними водами


spiritual [ ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl ] = religious - духовний

steam bath = a very hot room filled with steam - парова лазня

steam engine = motor that runs by boiling hot water - паровий двигун

= tense, hectic, something that makes you worry a lot - напружений

suffer = here: deal with - страждати

take part in
= to be involved in - приймати участь в

thrilling = exciting - захоплюючий

travel agency = someone who organizes flights, hotels etc.. - турагентство

treatment = something that is done to cure an ill person - лікування

trekking = go on a long journey on foot - трекінг

untouched [ ʌnˈtʌtʃt ] = not changed in any way -недоторканий

= different kinds of - різнобічний

wealthy = rich багатий

3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "Tourism"


Tourism is travelling for pleasure or to enjoy yourself away from the place you live.

People do this for many different reasons –

:arrow: to have fun,

:arrow: visit other countries and

:arrow: learn about other cultures or

:arrow: just relax from stressful working life.

:D Tourists go to various destinations - countries with great landmarks, places with lovely beaches or simply areas of wilderness and untouched nature.

:) In the last few decades tourism has grown very much, mostly because people’s lifestyles have changed. They don’t want to stay at home any more. They spend more money on travelling than previous generations did. Travelling has also become cheaper and more affordable. The rise of budget airlines has made it possible to afford trips to faraway countries.

Types of Tourism

:arrow: Beach tourism


Many tourists spend their holidays on beaches. They relax, go bathing or just enjoy the salty sea breeze and the ocean. Spending holidays on beaches has had a long tradition for over one and a half centuries.

:arrow: Winter tourism


Winter tourism started out in the middle of the 19th century when wealthy Europeans went to St. Moritz and other alpine resorts. In Europe and in the American Rockies skiing resorts attract millions of people every year. Various lifts bring skiers to altitudes of over 3,000 meters.

:arrow: Medical tourism


People go to other countries for medical treatment and operations. Irish women, for example, go to the UK because abortions are forbidden in their country. West Europeans go to Eastern Europe for dental treatment. Americans go to Mexico for plastic surgery and other operations.

:arrow: Educational tourism


Young people live as exchange students in other countries, where they go to school and study the language and culture of the host country.

:arrow: +Sports tourism


An increasing number of sports fans travel to places where special events are being held. The Olympic Games and world championships attract visitors from around the world.

:arrow: Package Holidays


Organized tours were started in the middle of the 19th century by a British businessman, Thomas Cook. Package tours are made up of travel to and accommodation at the destination. A tourist agency often provides everything from a plane flight to a rental car. Sometimes such package tours offer a combination of beach holidays and sightseeing trip.

:arrow: Spa Tourism


Spas have been popular since Roman times. In 16th century Britain Bath became the center of spa tourism for the rich population. During the 19th century spas emerged all over Europe. Today people go to spas for the healing effect of mineral waters as well as for offer wellness treatment, massages, steam baths and other services.

:arrow: Adventure tourism


In the past few decades trips to faraway exotic places have become popular. Tourists looking for thrilling activities go mountaineering, rafting, trekking , or even to remote places in the rainforest.

:arrow: Religious tourism


Religious tourists go on pilgrimages to holy sites. Roman Catholics, for example, travel to Lourdes, Fatima or the Vatican in Europe. Muslims are required to go to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. Varanasi , on the banks of the Ganges River, is the spiritual capital of the Hindus.

:arrow: Ecotourism

Recently many people have chosen a type of tourism that does not damage the environment. They avoid travelling by plane or do not buy souvenirs that are made out of endangered plants and animals. Some holiday offers give tourists the chance to take part in environmental projects.

Зображення [b]Airboating in the Everglades

History of tourism


:D People have been travelling for pleasure since ancient times. In ancient Egypt, religious festivals attracted people from the whole Nile Valley. Ancient Greeks travelled regularly to the site of their gods. Romans travelled to Greece, Sicily and other places in the empire. Wealthy Romans had second homes near the sea where they spent the summer.


:) During the Renaissance educated Europeans embarked on what was called the Grand Tour , a trip to several European countries to enjoy art and architecture and get educated.


:) In the 19th century the invention of the steam engine made it possible for people to travel by boat and train. Regular passenger services from Europe to America started in the 20th century. The invention of the automobile made it possible to travel larger distances by car.

:) In the 1960s going on holidays by plane became affordable for many. Jumbo jets of the early 1970s were capable of carrying over 400 passengers and reducing costs of travelling to other continents even further.


Importance of tourism for countries

:D Tourism is a worldwide industry. In many countries it is the most important largest source of income. Global tourism is growing at a rate of 4% a year.

:!: The tourist industry provides jobs and brings a country foreign currencies. Many groups profit from tourism: travel agencies, store owners ,airports and airlines, hotels, restaurants, etc..

:cry: However, mass tourism, can also lead to environmental problems. It can pollute beaches or create noise in otherwise quiet regions. Popular tourist attractions must be controlled by authorities.


Recent developments in tourism

:arrow: In the past years there has been a trend towards shorter holiday breaks during the year. People like to take a few days off to travel. The internet has changed the way people organize their holidays. Booking plane tickets online is easy and prices are often lower than with travel agents.

:arrow: International tourism has suffered many drawbacks, like the 9/11 attacks, which made security at airports stricter and travelling more difficult. The tsunami that hit Southeast Asia in 2004 killed over 250,000 people including thousands of tourists.

4. Знайдіть у розділі Б англійські еквіваленти до українських слів із розділу А.


1. тенденція до скорочення тривалості відпочинку

2. для лікування та операцій

3. насолоджуватися мистецтвом і архітектурою

4. привести до проблем навколишнього середовища

5. іноземні валюти

6. подорожувати на більш великі відстані на машині

7. у Стародавньому Єгипті

8. щоб дозволити собі поїздки в далекі країни

9. сувеніри, виготовлені із зникаючих видів рослин

10. принаймні, один раз у своєму житті


1. to enjoy art and architecture

2. foreign currencies

3. travel larger distances by car

4. souvenirs that are made out of endangered plants

5. a trend towards shorter holiday

6. for medical treatment and operations

7. lead to environmental problems

8. In ancient Egypt

9. at least once in their lifetime

10. to afford trips to faraway countries

5. Вставте в речення необхідну лексику.

1. Зображення'To go by foot' is not considered to be correct, you'd better say 'to go ... ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) foot'.

2. Зображення How many reindeer help Santa Claus to ... ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) his sleigh?

3. I ... ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) when I use my legs and feet.

4. Зображення Last year I visited a camel farm. I asked the owner if I could ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) a camel.He put a saddle on one of them and up I went.

5. The Titanic was a passenger ... ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) , it sank during its first voyage.

6. Зображення On Saturday mornings you can learn to...( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) a pedal rickshaw in central London.

7. During rush hours there are so many people ... ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) the bus that all of the seats are taken.

8.ЗображенняMark has always wanted to ... ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) a plane since he was very young. Now he is a pilot.

9. Зображення When you ...( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) a lorry carrying dangerous goods you must be very careful.

10. The tank of the car is empty, how did you go to work this morning? ... ( walk; by; fly; ride; drive; on; liner) taxi.

6. Прочитайте текст "Mass Tourism", подивіться відео та виконайте завдання на розуміння текста on-line.

Mass tourism is a form of tourism that involves tens of thousands of people going to the same resort often at the same time of year. It is the most popular form of tourism as it is often the cheapest way to holiday, and is often sold as a PACKAGE DEAL. A package deal is one in which all of the tourists needs are catered for by one company (such as Thomas Cook), these needs include travel/flights, activities, accommodation and sometimes food (called full board when all meals are included, half board includes 2 meals a day whilst self-catering means you cook for yourself). These types of holiday are often the opposite to sustainable tourism, extreme tourism and ecological tourism.


:arrow: There are many types of mass tourism, including skiing in the mountains, sunbathing on a beach, visiting a theme park (e.g. Euro Disney near Paris) or taking a cruise.


Governments and local people often support mass tourism because it generates a lot of income for local areas.


:arrow: ... ourism.htm


:arrow: 1) Jobs are generated by tourism in many areas - in the initial construction of the resorts, in travel, in food provision and in other service related industries.

:arrow: 2) Local people benefit directly from employment

:arrow: 3) Roads, rail, facilities, electricity services etc. all need improving to accommodate the tourists - local people also benefit from these INFRASTRUCTURE developments.

:arrow: 4) Transport facilities are developed

:arrow: 5) The local tax base increases so the local government/council can invest in schools, healthcare and social services.

:arrow: 6) Tourists introduce new values and cultures and learn about new cultures- this causes cultural UNDERSTANDING


:arrow: 1) TNCs (Trans National Corporations) from rich countries are often involved - this can result in a lot of profits leaving the country.

:arrow: 2 Jobs can be seasonal - especially in beach and skiing based resorts. People can therefore find themselves out of work in the close season.

:arrow: 3) Tourists consume huge amounts of resources including food and water - this type of tourism is particularly UNSUSTAINABLE in this manner.

:arrow: 4) Tourists introduce new values and cultures - this causes cultural pollution.

:arrow: 5) Land is lost from farming to tourist developments.


Зроби тест on-line

:arrow: ... ourism.htm


:arrow: ... EnDYipGmOY 10 Most Visited Cities in the World 2013

7. Запам'ятайте англійські прислів'я до теми "Travelling"

:arrow: Every country has its customs. - Кожна країна має свої звичаї.

:arrow: So many countries, so many customs. - Стільки країн, стільки і звичаїв.

:arrow: To carry coals to Newcastle. - Возити вугілля в Ньюкасл. Їздити до Тули із своїм самоваром.

:arrow: When at Rome, do as Romans do. - Коли в Римі, роби так як римляни.

8. Виконайте граматичні вправи на вживання активу та пасиву.


Вправа 1. Визначіть стан (Active or Passive)


1) They often listen to music. - _________
2) She is reading the newspaper now. - _________
3) These cars are produced in Japan. - _________
4) Alan teaches Geography. - _________
5) German is spoken in Austria. - _________
6) Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake in 1906. - _________
7) Henry Ford invented the assembly line. - _________
8) The bus driver was hurt yesterday. - _________
9) You should open your workbooks. - _________
10) Houses have been built. - ________

11) Boys like to play soccer. - _________
12) This room has been painted blue. - _________
13) Cricket is played in Australia. - _________
14) I am given a book. - _________
15) We have lost our keys. - _________
16) You might see dolphins here. - _________
17) The report must be completed by next Friday. - _________
18) They were singing a song in the lesson yesterday. - _________
19) A letter was written to her some days ago. - _________
20) The black bike is being repaired at the moment. - _________

21) The grapes are grown in California. - _________
22) The hamster can be kept in a cage. - _________
23) The party has already started. - _________
24) The car is standing at the garage. - _________
25) The ship has been given up. - _________
26) The police didn't find the robber last week. - _________
27) The first fast food restaurants were opened in the USA in 1916. - _________
28) The train is going to arrive late. - _________
29) The search will be stopped because of the storm. - _________
30) The friends have been looking forward to meeting her. - _________

Вправа 2 Напишіть речення у пасивному стані.


1) Julia rescued three cats.
___________________________ .
2) The students handed in the reports.
___________________________ .
3) Maria crashed into the blue car.
___________________________ .
4) Alex learned the poem.
___________________________ .
5) Steven has forgotten the book.
___________________________ .
6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.
___________________________ .
7) They play handball.
___________________________ .
8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.
___________________________ .
9) The girls had lost the match.
___________________________ .
10) The teacher is not going to open the window.
___________________________ .

11) She bought four apples.
___________________________ .
12) We won the match.
___________________________ .
13) The man stole the blue car.
___________________________ .
14) The police arrested the thieves.
___________________________ .
15) Jack swam the 200 metres.
___________________________ .
16) The dog bit the old lady.
___________________________ .
17) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.
___________________________ .
18) Oliver taught the children.
___________________________ .
19) Victoria rode the brown horse.
___________________________ .
20) Grandmother told good stories.
___________________________ .

21) Mr Jones watches the film.
___________________________ .
22) The people speak English.
___________________________ .
23) He reads comics.
___________________________ .
24) We play volleyball.
___________________________ .
25) They sing the song.
___________________________ .
26) I take photos.
___________________________ .
27) She does the housework.
___________________________ .
28) The policemen help the children.
___________________________ .
29) He writes text messages.
___________________________ .
30) Mother waters the flowers.

Вправа 3. Напишіть речення у пасивному стані.

1. Зображення Michael Angelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ... by Michael Angelo.

2. Зображення A painter uses a brush and a palette. A brush and a palette .... by a painter.

3. Зображення ( Van Gogh) People look upon this work of art as a masterpiece.This work of art ... as a masterpiece.

4. Зображення They will exhibit his sculptures next month.
His sculptures ... next month.

5. Зображення They must look after old paintings very carefully.
Old paintings ... very carefully .

6. Зображення They are building a Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A Harley-Davidson Museum ... in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

7. Governments should encourage fine arts. Fine arts ... by governments.

8. Зображення They were setting up a new statue in this park last week. A new statue ... in this park last week.

9. Зображення My friend asked me if I had been to the Tate Modern in London. I ... by my friend if I had been to the Tate Modern in London.



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