Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23 Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 41Тема: Система освіти в Україні. Узгодження часів. Методичні вказівки:1. Вивчіть нову лексику.
2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "System of education in Ukraine"
3. Знайдіть у тексті англійські еквіваленти українським словам
4. Доповніть рнечення словами, які підходять за змістом
5. Ознайомтеся з англійськими ідеомами по темі “Education” та виконайте вправи
6. Виконайте вправи на узгодження часів.1. Вивчіть нову лексику. central and local authorities [ ɔːˈθɒr.ɪ.tiz ] - центральні та місцеві органи влади to get top quality [ ˈkwɒləti ] education - отримувати високу якість освіти education acquires [ əˈkwaɪərz ] - освітa набуває became more adapted to - стали більш адаптовані до in the area [ ˈeəriə ] of education and upbringing [ ˈʌpˌbrɪŋ.ɪŋ ] - в галузі освіти та виховання institutions for pre-school preparation - установи для дошкільної підготовки secondary education - середня освіта free and quite accessible [ əkˈses.ə.bl̩ ] - безкоштовно і цілком доступнo supplementary [ ˌsʌp.lɪˈmen.tər.i ] education - додатковa освітa improvement [ ɪmˈpruːvmənt ] of qualification [ ˌkwɒl.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃənz ] - підвищення кваліфікації to upgrade their knowledge and professional skills - оновити свої знання та професійні навички international agreements have been signed [ saɪnd ] - міжнародні угоди були підписані іn order to stimulate the application of general European educational standards - для того, щоб стимулювати застосування загальних освітніх європейських стандартів to obtain education of different levels - здобути освіту різних рівнів to study at proficiency improvement - вчитися для поліпшення кваліфікації advanced courses - курси підвищення кваліфікації to take part in fundamental and applied researches - взяти участь у фундаментальних і прикладних дослідженнях training on majors - навчання на спеціальності 2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "System of education in Ukraine" The system of education provides good quality and is well developed. One of the most important tasks for central and local authorities is to give equal possibilities in getting top quality education for all citizens of Ukraine. When independence was declared, education acquires a distinctly national character and became more adapted to the new damands for primary and secondary schools, while new private educational institutes and schools were established. In the area of education and upbringing are involved 7% of Ukrainian professionals who teach 11 mln students (22% of the population).There are 18 400 institutions for pre-school preparation. According to the Constitution secondary education takes the central part in the system and is free and quite accessible. 7 mln students attend 21900 schools. Private sector in secondary education is insignificant (незначний.) Totally, there are 200 private schools (1% of all the amount of students).You can take vocation in 1003 technical institutions (vocational technical schools) on the base of lower secondary education and upper secondary education. In Ukrainian system of education colleges and technical schools refer to the lower part of higher education.Over one thousand occupational schools (професійні школи ) offer over 800 professional specializations. Students may choose among 313 (220 state and 93 private) universities, academies, and institutes as well as 658 (589 state and 69 private) educational institutions with first or second degree of accreditation. 500 educational institutions can offer supplementary education and the improvement of qualifications. Each year about 50 000 students, graduates, teachers, and professionals go to upgrade their knowledge and professional skills abroad. In return, studying in Ukraine becomes more attractive for foreigners and especially for young people from the Ukrainian Diaspora. During the years of independence, more than 60 international agreements have been signed dealing with development of cooperation in the field of education. In order to stimulate the application of general European educational standards, cooperation has gained depth with the Council of Europe, UNESCO, and other international organizations that work under the TEMPUS program. Що таке ТЕМПУС?Темпус (Транс-європейська програма мобільності для навчання в університетах) – це програма зовнішньої допомоги Європейського Союзу, заснована з метою сприяння модернізації систем вищої освіти в країнах-сусідах ЄС через активізацію співробітництва між ВНЗ країн ЄС і країн-партнерів. Сьогодні програма Темпус відкрита для вищих навчальних закладів та інших інституцій, які працюють у сфері вищої освіти, з 27 країн-членів ЄС, 17 країн Європейської політики добросусідства (у тому числі Україна), 5 країн Центральної Азії, 5 країн Західних Балкан. У програмі також можуть брати участь на основі самофінансування ВНЗ з Туреччини, Ісландії, Ліхтенштейну, Норвегії, Швейцарії, Хорватії та Колишньої Югославської Республіки Македонія.
Програма Темпус, заснована в 1990 р., пройшла декілька етапів у своєму розвитку. Сьогодні реалізується четвертий етап програми, розрахований на 2007-2013 рр.
У програмах Темпус визначено три основних напрями реформування в сфері вищої освіти, які є складовою загальних стратегій ЄС і збігаються з завданнями освітньої програми ЄС «Навчання впродовж життя» (Lifelong Learning) та узгоджуються з Лісабонською стратегією і положеннями Болонського процесу:
модернізація навчальних програм;
удосконалення процесів управління та врядування в системі вищої освіти;
посилення зв’язків між освітою та суспільством (громадянським суспільством, ринком праці тощо).
Програма Темпус надає можливість країнам-партнерам обирати для себе пріоритетні напрями реформування вищої освіти та заохочує всіх зацікавлених виявляти ініціативу, шукати інноваційні підходи, створювати новітні освітні продукти і послуги. Higher education in Ukraine Higher education in Ukraine has centuries-old history, national traditions and high prestige in the world. Higher school in Ukraine has got developed training, scientific and social infrastructure and is ready to give an opportunity to every citizen of Ukraine or citizen of any other country to obtain education of different levels, to study at proficiency improvement or advanced courses, to study at post-graduate courses or to write doctorate dissertation, to take part in fundamental and applied researches. Every year almost 200 thousand Ukrainians and citizens of other countries become students of higher educational institutions in Ukraine. The system of higher education in Ukraine has flexible structure, corresponds to modern trends and tendencies to those in advanced countries recognized by UNESCO, UN Organization and many other international organization.Since 1992 the whole system of Ukrainian post-secondary education has been regarded as "Higher Education".According to the "Law on Education" of Ukraine higher education of Ukraine has several categories of higher educational institutions, which correspond, as a rule, to four levels of accreditation:
Level I - Vocational Training Schools;
Level II - Technical Secondary Schools and Colleges;
Level III - Universities, Academies, Institutes.
The levels of accreditation represent the hierarchy of degrees according to the qualification of graduates. There are: Junior Specialist, Bachelor, Specialist and Master. The higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in Ukraine includes 185 state ones: 65 classical, technical, medical, agrarian and other universities, 36 academies and more than 80 institutes. About 40% of school-leavers have the opportunity to get higher education. Higher educational institutions possess powerful scientific and teaching potential. Scientific and teaching staff accounts about 80, 000 persons; among them - 4, 500 doctors of science, 33, 000 candidates of science, more than 5,000 professors and around 27, 000 assistant professors (доцент).Graduates of higher educational institutions who have outstanding inclinations for scientific-research work have an opportunity to continue their studies at the post-graduate and doctorate course.
The vast network of post-graduate courses on different majors satisfies the needs in highly qualified specialists for different branches of industry, economics, science, culture and education. Training is carried out for 20 branches of science and 366 majors and it includes all the branches of training of the specialists of high qualification. There are 16,000 post-graduate students and around 1, 000 persons working for a doctor's degree. Training on majors, which determine the reform processes in the country (economics, law, social and political studies) is expanded (розширений) now.
New Ukrainian educational laws, state policies give certain autonomy to the higher educational institutions in their activities, classical academic liberties in the self-government. Structure of the State Higher education in Ukraine The structure of State higher education in Ukraine is: UNIVERSITIES (classical, technical & technological, economic, medical, agrarian, pedagogical, P.T. & sports, military, internal affairs); ACADEMIES (law, technical & technological, economic, medical, agrarian, culture & arts, military, internal affairs INSTITUTES (technical & technological, economic, medical, agrarian, pedagogical, law, culture & arts, P.T.& sports, military, internal affaires).Terms of entrance and study of foreign at Ukraine's Higher education institutionsAccording to the "Law on Education" of Ukraine all the applicants who would like to enter higher educational institutions have equal rights irrespective of the sex, race, nationality, social and property status occupation, world outlook, religion and other circumstance. Education of the foreign students in Ukraine is carried out according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Status of Foreigners", and resolutions of the Government of Ukraine on training of the foreign citizens in Ukraine. The academic year in the higher educational institutions in Ukraine starts on the 1st of September and is divided into two semesters, from September to the end of January and from February to the end of June. A semester lasts 17-18 weeks, followed by a 3 weeks examination period.Foreign citizens who would like to enter the higher educational institution in Ukraine have to apply to Ukrainian International Center "Osvita" of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine or directly to the higher educational institution. Entrance Procedure. You have to send the following to the University: - an application form;
- the copy of the document about secondary education signed by a notary;
- the copy of birth certificate signed by a notary;
- medical certificate that states you have no health problem and infectious disease;
- 8 documental photos.
If there are no problems with the documents, you will get an official proposal, 2 copies of contract and the invoice for study course and other payments. After that you have to send a letter of confirmation of your coming to take a course, one copy of the contract, a copy of the bank document that confirms your payment. The university sends the official invitation to the applicant. Medical insurance. The procedure of medical insurance of international students is a usual practice in Ukraine. Medical insurance can be paid together with study payment or at the airport in Ukraine. There are other ways of payment as well.Visa. As soon as you get the invitation you have to address the Embassy of Ukraine in your country. There you can find out the information about the list of documents needed to get a student visa. To get through the passport control you have to show the passport with visa, the copy of the official invitation, medical insurance policy. On coming to the place of study, international students have to be registered in the local authorities. As a rule, the international department of the university does this procedure.Applicants - citizens of Ukraine pass entrance examinations (usually in July), which are organized by the higher educational institutions and regulated by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. The programs of entrance examinations correspond to the programs of secondary schools. The examinations at the state higher educational institutions are open competitions and admission of the applicants for the places available for "state study" without tuition fee is carried out according to the results of the competitions.
Educational institutions either state or private have the right to admit the applicants for fee-paying education according to the results of the interviews or examinations after preparatory departments.
International students start their studying with foundation year. It includes a course of Ukrainian (Russian) language and some of the comprehensive subjects according to the future profession. Further education is continuing together with Ukrainian students.
Foreign as well as Ukrainian students have the opportunity to use all available leisure, welfare and sports facilities of the institutions. Tuition, residence and other facilities fees are fixed by corresponding agreement. As compared with the Western countries education and residence fees in Ukraine are not so high and quite acceptable for all strata of population.
Most of the states Universities provide free medical service in student's hospitals. Student can also go to state and private hospitals, where medical service is to be paid. Service of the ambulance is free. http://www.ednu.kiev.ua/ - Educational Portal http://www.univ.kiev.ua/ - Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University http://www.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua/ - National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" http://www.knukim-edu.kiev.ua/ - National State University of Culture and Arts http://www.ukma.kiev.ua/ - National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=_XNJC6F0r943. Знайдіть у тексті англійські еквіваленти українським словам. Міністерство освіти і науки України; цілком прийнятно для всіх верств населення; відповідно до результатів екзаменів; можливість використовувати все, що є у наявності для відпочинку, побутові та спортивні споруди закладів; включає в себе всі галузі підготовки фахівців високої кваліфікації; екзаменаційна сесія; розвиток співробітництва в галузі освіти.4. Доповніть рнечення словами, які підходять за змістом. 1. Education in Ukraine is free and .... for children aged 6 to 15.
A- not obligatory
B- compulsory
C- funny
2. Most children start attending a ... at the age of 6.
A- secondary school
B- institute
C- primary school
3. There is also a chance to attend private ... before going to school.
A- technical schools
B- kindergartens
C- vocational schools
4. Most Ukrainian teenagers today choose to continue their ... at the higher education institutions.
A- study
B- studies
C- educational
5. Those, who wish to continue studying after they’ve obtained a Master’s or a Specialist’s Degree, can enter the postgraduate school, called ... .
A- advanced classes
B- colleges
C- postgraduate studies 5. Ознайомтеся з англійськими ідіомами по темі “Education” та виконайте вправи. A for effort (realize that someone tries one’s best to do something even though they may not be successful)
e.g. William received an A for effort for his work on the research. above average (better or higher than average) (вище середнього)
e.g. This month Sarah received above average marks in all tests except the test in physics. as easy as ABC (very easy) e.g. Learning how to make an effective presentation was as easy as ABC for the third-year students. below average (worse or lower than average)
e.g. Unfortunately Miranda was below average in her test in chemistry. bookworm (someone who reads a lot)
e.g. My neighbour is a bookworm and is always reading books for university classes. brainstorm something (try to develop an idea or think of new ideas)
e.g. After classes we stayed to brainstorm ideas for the birthday party. cover a lot of ground (complete a lot of material in a class or course)
e.g. They covered a lot of ground during the fall term. crack a book (open a book to study [usually used in the negative])
e.g. Russell did well enough in the mathematics course even though he didn't crack a book until the last week of classes. get credit for (a course) (receive official recognition and credits after passing a course)
e.g. What should be done to get a credit for the informatics course? higher education (education after graduating from high school - usually college or university)
e.g. To apply for this job it is necessary to have higher education. learn by heart (memorize something so you can repeat it without thinking) (вчити напам'ять)
e.g. This poem should be learnt by heart by Tuesday. make the grade (be satisfactory and of an expected level) (домагатися успіху)
e.g. My results for the laboratory work didn't make the grade and I had to do it again. meet the requirements (for something) (fulfill the requirements [for something]) (задовольняти потреби)
e.g. The technical report wasn’t accepted because it didn’t meet the requirements. pass with flying colors (pass something easily and with a high score) (пройти з честю)
e.g. Nobody expected Tomas to pass the ecology test with flying colors. read to oneself (read without saying anything so that other people cannot hear you) (читати про себе) e.g. I spent the morning in the library reading to myself. school of hard knocks (the ordinary experience of learning from work and daily life)
e.g. Andrew spent some years abroad learning about life in the school of hard knocks. teach someone a lesson (do something to someone in order to punish them for their bad behavior)
e.g. Timothy didn’t pass his tests on time and the professor taught him a lesson and didn’t let him pass the exam together with his group. teacher's pet (the teacher's favorite student) (улюбленець вчителя)
e.g. Vivian was always the teacher's pet when she was in primary school. university of life (learning from daily life and work rather than going to university)
e.g. John started working at the age of sixteen and learned everything from the university of life. work one's way through college (work at a job to help pay for your college or university expenses)
e.g. My nephew has to work his way through college as a lifeguard. Вправа 1. Підбери до кожної ідіоми із пункту А її еквіваленти із розділу Б. Match these idioms with their equivalents:А 1. A for effort
2. below average
3. cover a lot of ground
4. higher education
5. make the grade
6. teach someone a lesson
7. university of life
Б A - worse or lower than average
B - be satisfactory and of an expected level
C - learning from daily life and work rather than going to university
D - realize that someone tries one’s best to do something even though they may not be successful
E - education after graduating from high school - usually college or university
F - complete a lot of material in a class or course
G - do something to someone in order to punish them for their bad behaviorВправа 2. Вибери правильний варіант Choose the correct variant:
1) It is hard to believe but Benjamin got ___ average marks in all his exams.
on high
2) Most of the students in my group are ___.
3) You should study hard during the term to ___ a credit for this philosophy course.
4) These words are to be learnt ___ heart for the next lesson.
close to
5) In the library people read ___ themselves.
6) Deborah started working to learn about life in the school of ___ knocks.
7) Have you ever thought about working your ___ through college?
way Вправа 3. Доповніть речення ідіомами. Complete these sentences with idioms:
1. Rebecca wasn’t able to pass the test because she didn’t even ___.
2. The teacher gave Lydia ___ for her last homework.
3. When we started this project, we ___ ideas.
4. Studying this course was ___ for Charles because he was fond of physics.
5. Nancy is a diligent student and she is ___.
6. I was so happy when I knew that I ___ higher mathematics.
7. Unfortunately your work wasn’t considered because it didn’t ___.
8. Could you ___ because I am trying to concentrate on my report.
9. I didn’t think it would be so easy to study this course and pass it ___.
10. Which mark did you expect if you didn’t even ___? 10. Виконайте письмові вправи на вживання прямої і непрямої мови. Вправа 1. Перекладіть речення українською. Зверніть увагу на вживання дієслів. 1. We did not know where our friends went every evening.
2. We did not know where our friends had gone.
3. She said that her best friend was a doctor.
4. She said that her best friend had been a doctor.
5. I didn’t know that you worked at the Hermitage.
6. I didn’t know that you had worked at the Hermitage.
7. I knew that you were ill.
8. I knew that you had been ill.
9. We found out that she left home at eight o’clock every morning.
10. We found out that she had left home at eight o’clock that morning.
11. When he learnt that his son always received excellent marks in all the subjects at school, he was very pleased.
12. When he learnt that his son had received an excellent mark at school, he was very pleased. Вправа 2. Перепишіть речення у минулому часі. . Зверніть увагу на вживання дієслів у головному та підрядному реченні. 1. My uncle says he has just come back from the Caucasus.
2. He says he has spent a fortnight in the Caucasus.
3. He says it did him a lot of good.
4. He says he feels better now.
5. He says his wife and he spent most of their time on the beach.
6. He says they did a lot of sightseeing.7. He says he has a good camera.
8. He says he took a lot of colour photographs while travelling in-the Caucasus.
9. He says he will come to see us next Sunday.
10. He says he will bring and show us the photographs he took during his stay in the Caucasus. Вправа 3. Розкрийте дужки, виберіть правильну форму дієслова 1. My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.
2. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.
3. I Was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.
4. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse.
5. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever man.
6. I want to know what he (has bought, had bought) for her birthday.
7. I asked my sister to tell me what she (has seen, had seen) at the museum.
8. He said he (is staying, was staying) at the Ritz Hotel.
9. They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark.
10. He asked me where I (study, studied).
11. I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) my work at that time.
12. He says he (works, worked) at school two years ago.
13. Victor said he (is, was) very busy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lZ7fTChrIk