Заняття № 46Тема: Працевлаштування. Використання “used to”, “would”Методичні вказівки:1. Вивчіть англійські прислів'я до теми "Work"
2. Вивчіть нову лексику до теми.
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "How to apply for a job"
4. Знайдіть у розділі Б англійські еквіваленти до українських слів із розділа А.
5. Дайте відповіді на питання.
6. Підберіть до переліку професій їх описи.
7. Вставте в речення потрібні слова за змістом.
8. Напишіть вправи із вживанням “used to”, “would”.1. Вивчіть англійські прислів'я до теми "Work"
1. Not hе who has a fair face is good, but he who is fit for work. Не той хороший, хто собою гарний а хто спроможний гарно працювати.
2. There is no fruit without labour.
Без труда немає плода.

3. Do not take up the matter which does not belong to you, but do not be lazy doing your own work.
Не за свої справи не берись, а за своїми не лінуйся.
4. No life can be dreary if work is delight. Життя не може бути нудним, якщо робота в задоволення.
5. It is not the place that graces a man, but a man the place.
Не місце красить людину, а людина місце.

6. There will be trouble if the cobbler starts making pies. Буде біда якщо пироги почне пекти чоботар.

7. One is not a carpenter without an axe, neither is one a tailor without a needle. Без сокири - не тесляр, без голки - не кравець.
8. The customer is always right.
Покупець завжди правий.

2. Вивчіть нову лексику до теми.
Making a job application Як подати заяву на роботу
I saw your advert in the paper - я бачив вашу об'яву в газеті

Сould I have an application form? - можу я отримати анкету?
Сould you send me an application form? - могли б ви прислати мені анкету?
I'm interested in this position - я зацікавлений цією посадою
I'd like to apply for this job - я хотів би влаштуватися на цю роботу
Asking about the job - Як запитати про роботу
Іs this a temporary or permanent position? - це тимчасова або постійна посада?
What are the hours of work? - який робочий час?
Will I have to work on Saturdays? - чи повинен я працювати по суботах?
Will I have to work shifts? - чи повинен я працюватиму позмінно?
How much does the job pay? -яка заробітна плата?
£10 an hour - 10 фунтів в годину
£350 a week - 350 фунтів на тиждень
What's the salary? яка заробітна плата?
£2,000 a month 2000 фунтів на місяць
£30,000 a year 30 000 фунтів в рук
Will I be paid weekly or monthly? - мені платитимуть щотижня або щомісячно?
Will I get travelling expenses? - чи покриватимуться транспортні витрати?
Will I get paid for overtime? - мені платитимуть за наднормовий час?
: Is there …? - чи є ...?
a company car - службова машина с
a staff restaurant - їдальня для службовців
a pension scheme - пенсійна схема
free medical insurance - безкоштовне медичне страхування
How many weeks' holiday a year are there? - скільки тижнів складає відпусткa?
Who would I report to? -кому я повинен повідомити?
I'd like to take the job - я хотів би приступити до роботи
When do you want me to start? - коли я повинен почати?
Things you might hear - Те, що ви можете почути
We'd like to invite you for an interview - ми хотіли б запросити вас на співбесіду
This is the job description - це - опис роботи
Have you got any experience? - у вас є який-небудь досвід?
Have you got any qualifications? - ви маєте які-небудь якості?
We need someone with experience - нам потрібний хтось з досвідом
We need someone with qualifications - нам потрібний фахівець
What qualifications have you got? - які професійні якості ви маєте?
Have you got a current driving licence? - у вас є водійські права?
How much were you paid in your last job? - скільки ви заробляли на колишній роботі?
Do you need a work permit? -вам треба дозвіл на роботу?
We'd like to offer you the job - ми б хотіли запропонувати вам роботу мы
When can you start? - коли ви зможете почати?
How much notice do you have to give? - як довго ви повинні ще залишатися на нинішній роботі?
there's a three month trial period - три місяці - випробувальний термін

We'll need to take up references нам - треба отримати рекомендації
This is your employment contract - це ваш робочий договір
CV (curriculum vitae) Бiографiя
Name - Ім'я
Address -Адреса
Telephone number -Телефоний номер
Email address - Адреса електронної пошти
Date of birth - Дата народження
Nationality - Національність
Marital status - Сімейний стан
Career objective- Передбачуване кар'єрне зростання
Education - Освіта
Qualifications - Якості
Employment history - Історія працевлаштування
Leisure interests- Інтереси
Referees- Поручителі
3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст "How to apply for a job"
Money makes the world go round. In today’s world money is everything to everyone. If a person doesn’t have money most likely there standard of living is not that nice.
However to get money most have to get a job.
A job is one of the most crucial aspects of anyone’s life. In fact the average American spends eight percent of their life at work. Thus it is
crucial (вирішальний) to know how to apply for a job.

There are four crucial things every person ready to apply for a job should know. In today’s society
knowing the dos and don’ts of getting a job could separate a life of glory and wealth in a job a person loves or a life of minimum wage fast food work.
Now when it comes to jobs there are millions and millions of jobs out there, however there are billions of people
vying for those jobs (борються за ці роботи).

No matter what job it is from being a six-figure doctor to being a minimum wage fry cook there is most of the time always-another person going for the job. This makes it
incredibly important (неймовірно важливо)
to have a edge over (мати перевагу над) the other people trying to get the job.
There are three major things to know when trying to get a job. 
The first crucial step to getting a job is actually to talk to any
trustworthy person (надійна людина) you are friends or acquaintances with.
As weird as this may sound (як дивно, як це може здатися) employers generally hire people they know, first and people sent to them from people they know, second.
This is of course
assuming (припускаючи), both applicants have the same amount experience. In fact it has been suggested as many as five of every ten positions are filled through personal contacts.
The better the job and the better the pay, the greater the chance it will be offered through a personal contact. If this were true, job seekers would be wise to make a list of every person they know and contact them for assistance finding a job when a person is searching for a job. However personal contacts do not guarantee a job, which is why it is crucial to know the other three important things to do.
The next crucial step to getting a job is being prepared as much as possible. Not only should one be prepared physically for an interview but also mentally. When going to a job interview
dressing nicely is a crucial aspect.

To the average employer seeing the fact that you took the time to get nice for the interview shows
your genuine interest in the job (ваш непідробний інтерес до роботи), thus improving your chance at getting the job.
Aside from ( крім того) looking good it’s also important to be educated enough to talk about the job. Some things a person should know about the job and the company includes what the company’s business or service is, how the company is advertising, and also how you can succeed at the particular position.
Your foots in the door (зробити перший крок до досягнення мети);your looking good and showing your educated about the job, however the last crucial step is absolutely essential to getting a job.

The last crucial step to getting a job is something so simple that everyone should
be a pro at (бути профі в) it, however it is where a lot of people trip up.
The last important aspect is being able to talk about yourself.
When going into an interview it is important to be able to talk about your education, experience, and ability to adapt to the job position.
Also it is important to talk about why you want the job, and why you would be a great fit for the job.

In fact to make sure you’ve got what you want to say down it might be helpful to practice what your going to say before the interview.
In conclusion getting a job is a crucial part of nearly everyone’s life. If you follow the three easy steps of getting your foot in the door thanks to a friend, being properly prepared, and planning what you want to say beforehand (заздалегідь) then you should find it much easier to find a job. With your newfound job and newfound money you can hopefully make all the money you’ve ever wanted and live out the rest of your life as you see fit. 4. Знайдіть у розділі Б англійські еквіваленти до українських слів із розділа А. А1. перед інтерв'ю
2. бути профі в
3. говорити про себе
4. здатність адаптуватися до посади
5. бути готовим фізично до співбесіди
6. непідробний інтерес до роботи
7. рівень життя
8. житття в славі і багатстві
Б1. ability to adapt to the job position
2. genuine interest in the job
3. a life of glory and wealth
4. to talk about yourself
5. before the interview
6. be a pro at
7. be prepared physically for an interview
8. standard of living5. Дайте відповіді на питання.
1. Why is it necessary to get job?
2. There are four crucial things every person ready to apply for a job should know? aren't they?
3. What are these crucial things?
4. Will you follow them to get a good job?
5. Are you sure that you try to do best to get a good education?
6. Підберіть до переліку професій їх описи.А1. Florist -

2. Gardener -

3. Hairdresser -

4. Journalist -

5. Judge -
6. Lawyer -

7. Lecturer -
8. Librarian -

9. Lifeguard -

10. Mechanic -
11. Model -

12. Newsreader - a person that reads the news, normally on television.Б1. they cut your hair or give it a new style.
2. a person that saves lives where people swim (at a beach or swimming pool).
3. a person that works with flowers.
4. a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden.
5. a person that makes new reports in writing or through television.
6. a person that gives lectures, usually in a university.
7. a person that defends people in court and gives legal advice.
8. a person that reads the news, normally on television.
9. a person that works in a library.
10. a qualified person that decides cases in a law court.
11. a person that repairs machines, especially car motors.
12. a (usually attractive) person that works in fashion, modeling clothes and accessories.7. Вставте в речення потрібні слова за змістом. Complete the sentences with the following words: successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, noble, prestigious, librarian, fireman.
1. A profession of photographer is very....
2. My sister says that teaching is a ... profession.
3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is ....
4. Careers of computer programmer are very ... nowadays.
5. My cousin wants to be an ....
6. Will you write your... on this form?
7. A ... is a person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.
8. I am sure that the profession of a ... is rather dangerous.
9. His ... as a driver came to an end after a bad road accident.
10. I am going to be a ... because I like animals and birds.
8. Напишіть вправи із вживанням “used to”, “would”.
Used to + V is used to describe repeated actions in the past which no longer happen. It sometimes denotes actions characterizing a person or actions or states which lasted a long time.
The interrogative form is did… use to?, the negative form is didn’t use to / used not to.
Kim used to go and play in the Hoo’s garden.
There used to be a school here.
Did you use to read a lot when you were a child?
She didn’t use to drink much coffee until she started working night shift.
[b]Would is also used to describe things that often happened in the past. It is very close to used to, but it is more formal and needs to be associated with a time indicator. Besides, it cannot be used with stative verbs, such as know, be or want.

When fits of melancholy came upon him, he would spend all days locked in his room.

Вправа 1. Перекладіть речення.
1. The father used to farm and hunt and the mother used to look after the home.
2. Every morning I always used to get up at dawn and go for a walk.
3. There used to be a church here.
4. I used to be much slimmer when I was younger.
5. My mom always used to tell me bedtime stories.
6. People used to have different ideas about the role of women in the society.
7. They used to wear linen clothes.
8. It used to be normal for cousins to marry.
Вправа 2. Підкресліть та перекладіть речення з книги де вжито used to та would.
Read an extract from the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini .
When we were children, Hassan and I used to climb the poplar trees in the driveway of my father’s house and annoy our neighbors by reflecting sunlight into their homes with a shard of mirror. We would sit across from each other on a pair of high branches, our naked feet dangling, our trouser pockets filled with dried mulberries and walnuts. We took turns with the mirror as we ate mulberries, pelted each other with them, giggling, laughing; I can still see Hassan up on that tree, sunlight flickering through the leaves on his almost perfectly round face, a face like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood: his flat, broad nose and slanting, narrow eyes like bamboo leaves, eyes that looked, depending on the light, gold, green, even sapphire I can still see his tiny low-set ears and that pointed stub of a chin, a meaty appendage that looked like it was added as a mere afterthought. And the cleft lip, just left of midline, where the Chinese doll maker’s instrument may have slipped; or perhaps he had simply grown tired and careless.
Sometimes, up in those trees, I talked Hassan into firing walnuts with his slingshot at the neighbor’s one-eyed German shepherd. Hassan never wanted to, but if I asked, _really_ asked, he wouldn’t deny me. Hassan never denied me anything. And he was deadly with his slingshot. Hassan’s father, Ali, used to catch us and get mad, or as mad as someone as gentle as Ali could ever get. He would wag his finger and wave us down from the tree. He would take the mirror and tell us what his mother had told him, that the devil shone mirrors too, shone them to distract Muslims during prayer. "And he laughs while he does it,” he always added, scowling at his son.
"Yes, Father,” Hassan would mumble, looking down at his feet. But he never told on me. Never told that the mirror, like shooting walnuts at the neighbor’s dog, was always my idea.
Вправа 3. Виберіть правильну форму дієслова.
1. When I was a young girl, I used to / am used to live in a small town.
2. I am used to / used to getting up early every day.
3. Sam used to / is used to drive to work every morning, but these days he usually goes by bike.
4. Frank felt very lonely because he wasn’t used to / didn’t use to living alone.
5. She is a doctor and she is used to / used to working at night.
6. He looks tired today as he isn’t used to / didn’t use to going to bed so late.
7. I am used to travelling / used to travel long distances. It’s not a problem for me.
8. He isn’t used to cook / cooking his own meals. His mother usually does for him.
9. When we first moved here, I got used to / was used to living in a big city very quickly.
10. Would you prefer to sleep in a bed? - No, I am used to sleep / sleeping on the floor.
