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Кабiнет 45

Англiйська мова
Поточний час: 07 лист 2024, 03:25

Часовий пояс: UTC + 2 години

   [ 1 повідомлення ] 
Автор Повідомлення
 Заголовок повідомлення: Заняття № 34
ПовідомленняДодано: 07 квіт 2016, 16:36 

Зареєстрований: 17 черв 2014, 17:23
Повідомлення: 660
Заняття № 34

Тема: Учбовий заклад, у якому я навчаюсь.

Методичні рекомендації:

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть лексику до теми.

2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст " My technical school" .

3. Знайдіть у колонці Б англійські еквіваленти до українських слів з колонки А.

4. Закінчіть речення.

5. Вставте в речення приймейники і прислівники.

6. Перекладіть англійською.

7. Дайте відповіді на питання.

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть лексику до теми.

ЗображенняPurpose, serve, graduate, various, industry, specialist, market , citizen, property, social, scholarship, access, farm management, enterprise, labour, marketing, subject, agricultural technical school, a full- time student, book accounting, workshop, time-table, obligatory, hostel.

2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст " My technical school" .


Зображення Let me introduve myself. My name is Victor Petrov. I am 15 years old. A year ago I finished school in my native town and entered the Izmail technical school of mechanization and electrification of agriculture.

Our educational establishment has a long history. Its glorious and rich history began in 1946. After the liberation of our town from Nazi invaders an agricultural school was established.

ЗображенняThe main task of this educational establishment was training young specialists for collective farms and machine tractor stations. As a result of the creation of school already at the beginning of 1949 450 chairmen of collective farms were trained, 2,500 taskmasters of agricultural brigades and livestock farms (бригадир землеробських бригад і тваринницьких ферм), about 7000 sectional workers (ланковий) and about a thousand of tractor drivers.


Machine operators became major figures of the collective farm , so the government of the Ukrainian Republic decided to comply with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated April 5, 1952. It was desided to organizate technical school of mechanization and electrification of agriculture for 480 people.

The executive commeette of Odessa region council of working people took the decision on the 15th of May 1954 to give the USSR Ministry of agricultural sector three buildings for the foundation of Izmail technical school of mechanization and electrification of agriculture.

In autumn of 1954 the first 120 young men and women sat at their desks of newly created technical school. In 1955, more 240 students were accepted. State took care of the development of the college, which made it possible in 1956 to finish the construction and commissioning of a modern educational building. The main goal of educational establishment was training specialists for agriculture.

In 1957 a house for employees he was commissioned, in 1960 a training workshop was built, in 1964 the hostel №1 for students opened its doors. The number of students grew up to 860 at that time.

The first mechanics finished the technical scholl in 1958. In 1959 a second department - Electrification of Agriculture was created. Our technical school became the most famous agricultural educational institution of the Danube region.

Зображення Перші випускники

Nowadays Izmail technical school of mechanization and electrification of agriculture is the modern educational establishment of higher learning of the 1st—2nd level of accreditation. It trains 730 full-time students and part-time students. In total for years of existance of technical school it trained 16,000 specialists for agriculture.


As for me I am a full-time first year student. I study at the department of electrification of agriculture. There are departments at our techical school now: mechanization of agriculture, electrification of agriculture, farm management, book accounting.

Our techical school is a three- storied building. It consists of three buildings and different workshops. There are more than eighty classrooms, specialized rooms and labs in it.

On the ground floor there is a big hall, a stand with a time - table, many classrooms, some cabinets of adminisration, a historical museum and accounts department.

On the first floor we can see an assembly hall, a teachers' room, a director's office and classrooms. On the second floor there are only classrooms. All the classrooms, labs and workshops are light and airy. They are equipped with modern instruments. It is easy to work with them.


Many young people prefer to combine studies with work for various reasons. They are admitted to the extra-mural depart­ment. As you know our technical school runs full- time education, but some students study by correspondence. There are three departments for part-time students: mechanization of agriculture, electrification of agriculture, book accounting.

Our studies begin at 8 o'clock. Usually we have 6-8 hours a day. Our time-table includes obligatory and optional subjects. Such as: technical drawing, technical mechanic, foreign language, electronics, land tenure, accounting and others. Each subject is taught by a specialist teacher. The teachers do all they can to give their students good knowledge.


Our library is not far from the technical school. We can find there all kinds of literature.

Our technical school has two hostels. They are near our main building.

The overwhelming majority of the students receive state scholarship and are provided with hostel accommodation. The students have free access to the libraries, reading-rooms, laboratories, compu­ting center, studies, sport facilities etc.

The purpose of the technical school now is to educate students to serve in the branches of agriculture, economy. The technical school leavers will work at various branches of industry, agriculture, finance and banking system accounting . They are specialists of new formation. They keep up with progress and are able to run in the ocean of modern eqipment and market relations.

The course of studies at the technical school lasts for four, three years. The academic year is divided into two terms. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduation paper and take the state exami­nations.

3. Знайдіть у колонці Б англійські еквіваленти до українських слів з колонки А.

Зображення А

:geek: 1. вищий навчальний заклад

:geek: 2. у сфері промисловості і торгівлі

:geek: 3. різні галузі

:geek: 4. фінанси та банківська справа

:geek: 5. облік та статистика

:geek: 6. товарно-ринкові відносини

:geek: 7. обчислювальний центр

:geek: 8. переважна більшість

:geek: 9. йти у ногу з прогресом

:geek: 10. програма економічних дисциплін

:geek: 11. міжнародні відносини

:geek: 12. трудові ресурси

:geek: 13. управління підприємством

:geek: 14. брати до уваги

Зображення Б

:?: 1. commodity and market relations

:? 2. accounting and statistics

:? 3. in the field of industry and trade

:? 4. higher educational establish­ment

:? 5. various branches

:? 6. finance and banking system

:? 7. international relations

:? 8. management of enterprises

:? 9. to take into account

:? 10. labour resources

:? 11. computing center

:? 12. a curriculum of economic subjects

:? 13. overwhelming majority

:? 14. to keep up with progress

4. Закінчіть речення.

Complete the following sentences

1. In autumn of 1954 the first 120 young men and women sat at ... of newly created technical school.

2. There are four departments ... .

3. The purpose of the technical school ... .

4. The students have free access ... .

5. Many young people prefer ... .

6. The students have an examination session ... .

7. Each .... is taught by a specialist teacher.

8. On the ground floor there is a big hall, a stand with a time - table, many classrooms, some cabinets of adminisration, a ... and accounts department.

5. Вставте в речення приймейники і прислівники.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary

1. These book- keepers finished ... Izmail technical school of ... a year ago.

2. Our technical school trains ... specialists ... high qualification.

3. The leavers will work ... industry.

4. My friend will work ... a farm ... finishing ... the technical school.

5. The students ... the extra-mural department combine their work with ... studies.

6. Many students of our educational establish­ment are provided ... hostel accommodation.

7. The students of our educational establish­ment have free access ... the libraries and labora­tories.

8. The excellent students keep ... ... progress and are capable to solve the most important problems ... science.

6. Перекладіть англійською.

Translate the following sentences into English

1. Моя сестра працює в сільському господарстві. Вона спеціаліст в галузі електрифікації сільського господарства.

2. Мій товариш поєднує роботу з навчанням. Наступного року він буде захищати диплом в галузі освітлення птахоферми.

3. Вони відмінно вчаться і можуть брати активну участь в розв’язанні важливих економічних задач.

7. Дайте відповіді на питання.

Зображення Answer the following questions

1. When was our educational establishment founded?

2. What is the history of the technical school?

3. What is the purpose of the technical school ?

4. Where do the leavers from the technical school serve?

5. What are the majority of the students provided with?

6. Where do the students have free access to?

7. What departments are there at our technical school ?

8. How long does the course of studies at the technical school last?

9. When do the students have an examination session?

10. What do the students have to submit at the end of their studies?

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